
Publish updates to several social networks simultaneously

Primary LanguagePerl


Allows updating status on several social networks, sending email etc.

Supported actions:

  1. Facebook
    1. wall (text, link)
  2. Livejournal
    1. journal (text, link, image, tags)
    2. community (text, link, image, tags)
  3. Twitter (status + link, image)
  4. VK
    1. page wall (text, link, image)
    2. group wall (text, link, image)
      1. from user
      2. from group
  5. Email
    1. SMTP
  6. Jabber/XMPP
    1. blog (text, link, tags)
  7. IRC
    1. channel
  8. Skype (via Skype4Py)
    1. chat room


Download cpanm:

curl -LO http://xrl.us/cpanm

Install modules using cpanfile in current directory by --installdeps option of cpanm:

perl cpanm --installdeps .

Preparing message

Mesage is a text file:

Status: New article is out
Link: http://mywebsite.com
Image: /path/to/image
Tags: perl

Just a long text

Depending on the channel various information is used. For example for twitter the status, link and image are used and for facebook everything combined. And so on.

Configuring access

Access is configured via a JSON file:

# Comments are supported

# First we define access for different channels (types). After giving them names
# we can reference them in scenarios
   "access" : [
         "name" : "twitter",
         "options" : {
            "access_token" : "",
            "access_token_secret" : "",
            "consumer_key" : "",
            "consumer_secret" : ""
         "type" : "twitter"
         "name" : "facebook",
         "options" : {
            "access_token" : "",
            "app_id" : "",
            "secret" : ""
         "type" : "facebook"
         "name" : "vk",
         "options" : {
            "access_token" : ""
         "type" : "vk"
         "name" : "livejournal",
         "options" : {
            "password" : "",
            "username" : ""
         "type" : "livejournal"
         "name" : "juick",
         "options" : {
            "password" : "",
            "jid" : ""
         "type" : "juick"
          "options": {
              "transport": {
                  "host"     : "smtp.gmail.com",
                  "port"     : 587,
                  "username" : "...@gmail.com",
                  "password" : ""


# Example scenarios
   "scenarios" : [
         "access" : "twitter",
         "name" : "twitter"
         "access" : "juick",
         "name" : "juick"
         "access" : "livejournal",
         "name" : "livejournal"
         "access" : "livejournal",
         "name" : "livejournal community",
         "options" : {
            "usejournal" : ""
         "name" : "vk wall",
         "access" : "vk",
         "options" : {
            "user_id" : ""
         "name" : "vk group",
         "access" : "vk",
         "options" : {
            "group_id" : ""
         "name" : "facebook group",
         "access" : "facebook",
         "options" : {
            "group_id" : ""
          "options": {
                  "From", "...@gmail.com",
                  "To", "..@..."
          "name":"irc channel",
              "cmd":"./util/skype-chat.py 'Chat room' '%status% %link%'"


By default the config file is name publishr.json and is searched within a current working directory. To overwrite path to config file use --config option.

perl script/publishr message.txt
perl script/publishr --config another-config.json message.txt

Dry run

You can check what's going to happen using --dry-run option:

perl script/publishr --dry-run message.txt

Publishing only specific scenario

If you want to publish only to a specific scenario, just use --scenario option:

perl script/publishr --scenario 'vk wall' message.txt

Publishing only to specific channel

If you want to publish only to a specific social network, just use --channel option:

perl script/publishr --channel twitter message.txt

Getting access tokens


Has to be done once.

  1. Register your application via https://apps.twitter.com/.
  2. Get your consumer and access tokens from https://apps.twitter.com/app/[APP_ID]/keys. Here you may have to confirm your phone number, only then Twitter will allow you to update statuses within an application.
  3. Save consumer_key, consumer_secret, access_token, access_token_secret.


Has to be done every two months.

  1. Create your application via https://developers.facebook.com/apps.
  2. Visit API Explorer https://developers.facebook.com/tools/explorer/.
  3. Generate Access Token previously selecting your app.
  4. Create a long-term token visiting https://graph.facebook.com/oauth/access_token?client_id=[APP_ID]&client_secret=[APP_SECRET]&grant_type=fb_exchange_token&fb_exchange_token=[ACCESS_TOKEN]
  5. Save app_id, secret, access_token and group_id.


Has to be done once.

  1. Create your application via http://vk.com/apps?act=manage.
  2. Get a token visiting https://oauth.vk.com/authorize?client_id={APP_ID}&scope=wall,photos&redirect_uri=http://oauth.vk.com/blank.html&display=page&response_type=token
  3. Discover your user id.
  4. Save acess_token and user_id.


Just use your username and password.


Link you preffered Jabber ID to your Juick account.

  1. Send an IM to juick@juick.com.
  2. Follow the link.
  3. Save jid and its password.