
Validates the GAP value of UltraStarDeluxe files with the help of AI.

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT

Ultrastar Deluxe (USDX) Fix Gap Gui

Ultrastar Deluxe (USDX) Fix Gap Gui is a Python application designed to scan a directory for Ultrastar files and verify if the given GAP value matches the song or not. The GAP value defines the delay for the start of the lyric in milliseconds. A proper value is crucial for a good karaoke experience.

This semi-automatic tool helps to validate the GAP value after "downloading" songs from USDB using USDB Syncer. Since audio files are created from YouTube videos, the GAP value sometimes does not match. Additionally, the community may not always update or set the correct GAP value for the video. This tool addresses these issues by verifying and suggesting the correct GAP values to a bunch of song files to ensure accurate synchronization.

The app uses spleeter to separate vocals from music with help of AI, detect silence parts, and suggest a correct GAP value if a mismatch is found. The suggested GAP value is marked on a waveform, allowing the user to decide which value should be chosen.


  • Scans directories for Ultrastar files.
  • Uses spleeter to separate vocals from music.
  • Detects silence parts to verify the accuracy of the GAP value.
  • Provides a graphical user interface (GUI) to visualize the waveform and suggested GAP values.
  • Allows users to manually choose the correct GAP value if mismatched.


Recommended: Setup a Conda Environment

  1. Create a new conda environment:

    conda create -n usdxfixgapgui python=3.8
  2. Activate the conda environment:

    conda activate usdxfixgapgui
  3. Upgrade pip and setuptools:

    python -m pip install pip setuptools --upgrade
  4. Install the required dependencies:

    pip install spleeter ffmpeg


The configuration is managed through a config.py file located in the src directory. This file allows you to customize various settings for the application.


  1. Navigate to the src directory:

    cd src
  2. Run the application:

    python app.py

How It Works

  1. Load Songs: Load Ultrastar songs from the specified directory.
  2. Detect Gap: The application uses spleeter to separate vocals from music and detect silence parts.
  3. Check Gap: Verifies if the given GAP value matches the song.
  4. Display Results: Displays the results in the GUI, showing the detected GAP, difference, and status (MATCH or MISMATCH).
  5. Manual Adjustment: If a mismatch is detected, the user can view the suggested GAP on the waveform and manually choose the correct value.

GUI Overview


  • Load Songs: Button to load Ultrastar files.
  • Detect Gap: Button to start the GAP detection process.
  • Results Table: Displays the path, artist, title, length, BPM, original GAP, detected GAP, difference, notes, time, and status for each song.
  • Waveform Display: Shows the waveform of the song with marked GAP values.
  • Control Buttons: Options to keep the original GAP, save the play position, save the detected GAP, or revert to the original GAP.


Contributions are welcome! Please fork the repository and submit a pull request with your changes.


This project is licensed under the MIT License. See the LICENSE file for details.


  • USDB Syncer for "downloading" USDX files from USDB
  • USDB the awesome USD community creating and maintaining karaoke songs
  • Spleeter by Deezer for audio separation.
  • ffmpeg for detecting silence parts and normalization.