
Finding adversarial examples for a linear classifier

Primary LanguageMATLAB


Finding adversarial examples for a linear classifier.


  • Gurobi
    • You will need the Gurobi solver to run find_adversarial_example.m. Unfortunately, even for this simple problem, the built-in MATLAB solver does not give a sufficiently accurate answer.
    • Remember to setup Gurobi following the instructions here before attempting to run the code.
    • Alternatively, you can add the Gurobi MATLAB folder to your startup.m file (run which startup in MATLAB to determine where it is). The appropriate command is of the form addpath 'C:\gurobi702\win64\matlab'.
  • Entrypoint
    • Start with main.m - this should give you an example of how to 1) find an example linear classifier, 2) find adversarial examples for a given example and linear classifier, and 3) how to visualize the original and perturbed images.