
Primary LanguageSystemVerilog

implementation of bids22 - group 4

deeksha kamath, viraj khatri

assignment 3

make runs=<number of tests> tests=<number of tests before coverage print>

dynamic randomization constraints

  • correctkey
    • makes sure key is `KEY when locking
    • 33% change to guess correct key while unlocking
  • limittimer - max limit of 255 on timer
  • longerrounds - C_start twice as likely to stay same than toggle
  • someonealwaysactive - mask will never mask every bidder out

indirect random input generation

  • using functions getbids() and getinputs()
    • called by +probabilisticallyrandom for vsim, use make random=true to disable
    • getinputs() for inputs to fsm control
      • will always lock with macro KEY, 25% chance to use the same key to unlock
      • mask will always leave at least 1 bidder active
      • cooldown timer can never be greater then 2^8
      • 25% change to toggle C_start, make longer rounds and longer break between rounds
    • gitbids() for inputs to bidders
      • +tokenstarved to get INSUFFICIENT_FUNDS errors
      • +impatientbidder to get ROUND_INACTIVE error
      • +rudebidder to bid when C_start is low, and not bid when high

bfm tasks to setup device

  • lock() and unlock() tasks that use a pre-defined macro key
  • milliontokens() to give each bidder a million tokens
  • makeAllBiddersWin()
    • gives tokens to all bidders
    • locks device
    • starts rounds that lead to all bidders winning atleast once, at max 4 times
    • can make only 1 bidder win with +onlyonewinner plusarg
  • maskout(int) allows us manually mask bidders out

plusargs to use bfm tasks

  • +bidderswinonce - to call makeAllBiddersWin()
  • +milliontokens - to call milliontokens() and then lock the device
  • +dontrandtillcomplete - to skip randomization altogether for directed testing

assignment 2

input generation

  • class bidsrandomizer
    • randomizes inputs to fsm and bidders
      • fsminputsrandomizer_t struct used to declare fsminputs_t struct as rand
      • bidsinputsrandomizer_t struct used to declare NUMBIDDERSxbiddersinputs_t structs as rand
    • no constraints for now

random testing setup

  • upon reset, do not start randomization instantly
  • give every bidder a million tokens (milliontokens())
  • lock device with key (lock(KEY))
  • randomize till 100% coverage or number of runs exhausted


  • simulation will try to continue till it gets to 100% coverage or tests reach a value
    • can specify value maximum runs with make runs=<value> (default 10000)
    • can reduce / increase prints with make tests=<value> (default 1000)
  • covergroup bids22covergroup
    • coverpoints
      • coverstates - illegal_bin used to exclude RESET state from % coverage
      • coverstatetransitions - as name states
        • lock - state UNLOCKED => LOCKED
        • unlock - state LOCKED => UNLOCKED
        • badkey - state LOCKED => COOLDOWN => LOCKED
  • covergroup bids22coverbidders
    • coverpoints
      • 3x cover bidders winning - covering all bidders winning atleast once
  • covergroup bids22outerrors
    • coverpoints
      • coverfsmerrors - check all fsm errors occuring
      • 3x cover bidders errors - check all errors occuring per bidder
  • report - coverage.report
    • detailed explanation of all bins and coverages at the start
    • summary of all types of coverages at the end
      • condition coverage
      • covergroups coverage
      • FSM state coverage
      • FSM state transition coverage
      • statement coverage
    • issues found on reading the coverage report, found discrepancies
      • all bidders were winners exactly same number of times
        • further directed testing with just 1 possible winner done
        • the fsm was outputting correctly when verifying with display statements on posedge clk
        • the coverage was taking one winner as win for all coverpoints, this gave false 100% win coverage
      • INSUFFICIENT_FUNDS did not show up in coverage
        • with above directed testing, one bidder was also given X tokens and X bidAmt
        • due to bidCost this should fail with error INSUFFICIENT_FUNDS
        • this can be seen with debug display statement, but coverage report does not list this happening

assignment 1


  • targets -
    • all - does vlib -> vlog -> vsim -> zip
    • vlib - makes work library
    • vlog - compiles all files listed in SRC_FILES
    • vsim - simulates work.top (has pre-requisite vlog)
    • zip - makes zipfile for submission
    • clean - deletes all deletable files (REMOVABLE_STUFF)


  • bidsinterface.sv - everything required for interface
    • bids22defs
      • enum definitions for opcodes, error codes for bidders, and error codes for bids22 output
      • structure definitions for bidders' inputs and outputs (inputs_t and outputs_t)
    • bids22interface - actual interface that defines all ports as inputs outputs as required
      • only 1 modport as everything is hardcoded
      • could be extended to modports for all bidders, but I don't see how that's helpful
  • bids.sv - actual bids22 machine's fsm code
    • parameterized - can make more bidders with NUMBIDDERS parameter
      • default 3
      • X = bidder[0], Y = bidder[1], Z = bidder[2]
    • states -
      • RESET - falisafe state, shouldn't never end up here
      • UNLOCKED - state on coming out of reset, allows setting up the parameters
      • COOLDOWN - wait state if wrong key was entered while unlocking, wait for timer countdown
      • LOCKED - expected state after providing key in unlocked state (default 0), bids22 accepts C_start now
      • ROUNDSTARTED - bids from bidders now accepted, bidcost is also subtracted here per bid
      • ROUNDOVER - decision on who won, goes to READYNEXT
      • READYNEXT - ¯\_(ツ)_/¯, goes to LOCKED


  • testing for when X bids the highest amount, Y bids the highest amount and Z bids the highest amount
  • testing for global errors -
    • trying to unlock with a bad key
    • trying to unlock whilst in unlocked state
    • C_start asserted when already in unlocked state
    • invalid operation when opcode is not matching the given list
    • checking for when two bidders bid the same amount amounting to duplicate bids error
  • testing for bidders’ errors -
    • testing for insufficient funds when the bid amount outweighs the value/balance for particular bidder
    • testing for mask for particular bidder goes zero at the same time bidder makes a bid
    • testing for bids being placed when C_start is low