
👾 Star Wars Resistance Social Network 🌌

Squad Project developed during Santander + Let's Code Scholarship

Java Icon The Project

The empire continues its relentless battle to dominate the galaxy, trying to expand its territory and eliminate the rebels.
Us, as resistance soldiers, were assigned to develop a system to share resources among the rebels.


develop an API REST
add rebels, with their personal resources and base/location
update rebel's location
report a rebel as traitor
traitors can't trade, add or remove items from their inventory
trade items between rebels
generate resistance reports

traitors percentage
rebels percentage
medium of resources per rebel
resources' points lost due to treason

Java | Spring Boot | Spring Data | Hibernate | Maven or Gradle
Clean Code
documentation of API's endpoints
unit/integration tests

Technology Stacks

Spring Boot
JUnit 5
Swagger 2


Felipe Ribeiro
Guilherme Ribeiro
Rafael de Oliveira
Vitória Toebe


Swagger API Documentation