

Welcome to Stackeby's! An e-commerce site where you can get a totally original Monet piece for $49.99. Created with react, redux, node.js, and express.

Installation & Setup

To run this project locally and seed the database

createdb graceshopper
npm install
npm run start-dev-seed

Other NPM Scripts

  • start the server in dev mode: npm run start-dev
  • run tests: npm test


Stackeby's currently implemented or in progress features

  • create an account, log in and log out
  • view the entire collection of artworks, filter by artist, genre, or medium, search for art by title and artist
  • add to cart, update cart
  • view all orders from your account
  • admin view to add and edit art, manager user orders, etc.
  • checkout with stripe


  • add to cart and update cart
  • admin view to add and edit art

Planning Resources

The Stackeby's team used the following resources in our planning process