Swag Swap

"One Man's Trash Is Another Man's Treasure" - by someone smart

It seems like just yesterday that you bought your toddler her baby carriage and stuffed animals. Now she needs a stroller, a high chair, books! The maturity of your little loved ones from childbirth to kindergarten occurs very quickly, and it seems that at every step, you are pulling out your wallet at the local Toys R Us. Have a children's accessory that you don't need anymore? Perhaps a toy he got bored of within a matter of weeks?

Swag Swap is an android app that connects you to a rich ecosystem of friends, family, and other people nearby interested in buying your children's old gear. Easily sell your unwanted swag without the hassles of posting on Ebay and Craiglist. Buy gear in great condition at a fraction of the cost. Trade with someone nearby, and get something back that is a better fit for your child.

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The following are required features:

  • Login with Facebook oauth
  • Create one or more child profiles
  • As a buyer, search for items nearby with robust filtering
  • As a buyer, access a Swag Guide for recommending items appropriate for a child's age range, and link to relevant item search results
  • As a seller, create an item
  • As a seller, manage items I have created

The following are optional features:

  • As a buyer, send messages to a seller

Video Walkthrough


Video Walkthrough

