
Made as part of graduate research practice at HSE and the first toolbox/bot I've ever made

Primary LanguageJupyter Notebook


Selenium In$sta9ram scrapper is meant to perform several functions:

  • login (both in headless and not modes)
  • collect a list of followers or followings of a user
  • choose randow N accounts to follow
  • perform following chosen account (without violation of daily limits set by service)
  • perform unfollowing unmutual followings


  • Chrome
  • pip install -r requirements.txt

To use first run in home directory git clone "https://github.com/vtorygit/InstaBot.git"

navigate to the folder InstaBot (like cd InstaBot)

launch jupyter notebook or run the python file

Using jupyter notebooks

launch anaconda, navigate to the folder jupyter_notebook and start the file Demonstration.ipynb or it's copy in the same (jupyter_notebook) directory.

Running python scripts to perform several functions


navigate to the folder InstaBot (like cd InstaBot)

run python3 promote_run.py

and insert all information required


  • full eng and rus support, add user choice
  • automate the amount of current followers and followings estimations

The repository also has a folder called Trash (or I'll make it later anyway). It's the history of dev of second version of bot, that turned out to be incompetible with newest In$ta9ram rulles because bot is being recognised and blocked too quickly. Anyway, it has some code features I want to store somethere, as they can be applied later in other works