Presently, visualization of heteroplasmies is available for Daucus carota.
icHet is a workflow for visualizing and detecting heteroplasmies across multiple genomic samples. It is designed to take advantage of high-performance clusters.
Python 3 packages:
- Biopython
- Bokeh
- Flexx
Other tools:
- Bwa (
- SAMtools (
You can use Anaconda distribution for easier installation.
Install Anaconda:
- Download the appropriate .sh file from
- In the directory with the .sh file, run the .sh file using the following commands:
- Make executable if needed:
chmod 755
- Run installer script:
- Make executable if needed:
Install required packages:
- On Linux/Max: run
- On Windows: run these commands
conda install -y -c anaconda biopython conda install -y -c bokeh bokeh conda install -y -c conda-forge flexx conda config --add channels defaults conda config --add channels conda-forge conda config --add channels bioconda conda install -y bwa conda install -y samtools conda install -y bzip2
- On Linux/Max: run
After installing SAMtools via anaconda, you may have this error:
samtools: error while loading shared libraries: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
Here is the suggested easiest way to fix this error:
- Go to *anaconda3 library* directory: (assume that your anaconda is installed in $HOME/anaconda)
```cd $HOME/anaconda3/lib```
- Make a copy of ** and rename it to **
There are many other ways to fix this error, for example (SAMtools dependency in wrong version), please try them to fix the error.
You need to specify paths to your data in a configuration file. See config.txt for example.
- Required inputs:
- READS_DIR: path to reads directory containing FASTQ/FQ file(s). Reads must be paired-end reads and each pair must have suffix (_1.fastq and _2.fastq) or (_1.fq or _2.fq).
- REF: path to reference genomes. This is the concatenated of all genomes (nuclear DNA, mitochondrial genome, chloroplast genome).
- LOG_FILE: path to log file.
- OUTPUT_DIR: path to output directory.
- cp_ref : path to chloroplast genome.
- cp_annotation : path to chloroplast annotation file.
- mt_ref: path to mitochondria genome.
- mt_annotation: path to mitochondri annotation file.
- mitochondria: mitochondria sequence IDs. This can be a list, separated by commas.
- chloroplast: chloroplast sequence IDs. This can be a list, separated by commas.
It is not neccessary to use single or double quote for these paths. The workflow will generate the OUTPUT_DIR if it doesn't exists.
If there are no input sequence IDs for mitochondria or chloroplast, the program terminates.
See example_config.txt for example of config file.
- Optional inputs:
- DIST: name of distance function used to compute conservation scores of heteroplasmic sites (hellinger or consine). Default = hellinger distance.
- alignment_quality: quality threshold for SAMtools to filter alignments. Default = 20.
- score_threshold: threshold for conservation scores of heteroplasmic sites to be shown in visualization. Default = 10.
- percentage_threshold: threshold for base percentage of heteroplasmic sites to be shown in visualization. Default = 0.05
Text file contains all input reads ID you want to run. Each line is reserved for only one ID. The output plots the samples by the ordering of read names in this file.
Reads should be paired-end reads, and only the SampleID needs to be specified in the readids.txt file. For example, if you have sample SRR2146923 with a pair of reads named SRR2146923_1.fastq and SRR2146923_2.fastq, you only have to specify SRR2146923 in the readids.txt file.
See example_read_ids.txt for example of read IDs file.
python config.txt readids.txt
- config.txt: configuration file
- readids.txt: read IDs file.
The program will output both visualization for mitochondria and chloroplast if users gives paths to chloroplast and mitochondrial genomes, annotation files, as well as sequence IDs.
Outputs for mitochondria and chloroplast will be separated into OUTPUT_DIR/mitochondria and OUTPUT_DIR/chloroplast directories.