
Pluggable map widget for Django Postgis point fields

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT

Django Map Widgets

Configurable, pluggable and more user friendly map widgets for Django PostGIS fields.


The aim of the Django map widgets is to make all Geo Django widgets more user friendly and configurable. Map widgets support major map services (GoogleMaps, OpenStreetMap) for your geoDjango fields.


pip install django-map-widgets

Add ‘map_widgets’ to your INSTALLED_APPS in settings.py



Django Map Widgets needs Jquery dependency to work in your regular views. In Django Admin case, you don't need to provide the jQuery just because it's already available on django.jQuery namespace.


Google Map Point Field Widget

Google Map Point Field Widget for Django Admin Inlines

Google Map Static Overlay Widget

This widget is working with Magnific Popup jQuery plugin.