
Puppet Module to setup the Pixelated Dispatcher

Primary LanguagePuppetGNU Affero General Public License v3.0AGPL-3.0


Build Status

Pixelated is in an early stage of development! Things may not work to their full extent yet

This puppet module provides a simple way to add Pixelated to a running LEAP Platform. It sets up the Pixelated Dispatcher, a multi-user instance of the Pixelated User-Agent.

High level Architecture

Pixelated Platform

High-level Architecture

testing pixelated

If you want to have a look at pixelated, the easiest way ist to run everything inside vagrant. The following command installs a working platform, the pixelated-dispatcher and the pixelated-user-agent on one machine. You can create accounts by visiting https://localhost:4443/signup and see pixelated in action at https://localhost:8080/

 curl https://raw.githubusercontent.com/pixelated/puppet-pixelated/master/vagrant_platform.sh > vagrant_platform.sh; /bin/sh ./vagrant_platform.sh

manual installation

1 Creating a LEAP Provider

Pixelated is built on top of LEAP, so in order to have a Pixelated Platform, you need to have a LEAP Platform.

In this example, we use a single node setup. Please refer to https://leap.se/en/docs/platform/tutorials/single-node-email for help with setting up a LEAP provider. We assume that you have the LEAP platform and the configuration for your LEAP node on your local workstation. If you followed the tutorial you should have the following directories:

  • ~/leap/leap_plaform: the LEAP platform itself
  • ~/leap/example: the configuration for your LEAP provider node

Ideally you have run leap deploy and leap test to set up the node on a server and verify that the installation actually works.

2.1 Adding Pixelated to your existing LEAP configuration

This puppet module take care of (almost) everything. It will install the pixelated-dispatcher and the pixelated-user-agent.

Please note that currently, you need proper DNS entries for your provider domain and all of its subdomains (hostname1.DOMAIN, DOMAIN, api.DOMAIN and nicknym.DOMAIN). You can access your LEAP provider with only local DNS overrides, but you cannot do this for the pixelated dispatcher.

Add the pixelated-platform files to files/puppet inside your LEAP configuration folder.

    cd ~/leap/example
    mkdir -p files/puppet/modules

The documentation for the installation of the LEAP Platform suggests that you make the configuration folder (~/leap/example is the name they suggest) versioned using Git to make it easier to track and undo any changes on the configuration. If you followed this suggestion of the tutorial, the easiest way to get the Pixelated platform is to add it as a submodule.

    git submodule add https://github.com/pixelated/puppet-pixelated.git files/puppet/modules/pixelated

If you haven't added version control to your LEAP configuration, you can simply clone the Pixelated platform files into your node configuration.

    git clone https://github.com/pixelated/puppet-pixelated.git files/puppet/modules/pixelated

Include the ::pixelated::dispatcher class in the custom class, which gets automatically applied by the leap_platform.

   mkdir -p files/puppet/modules/custom/manifests
   echo '{}' > services/pixelated.json
   echo 'class custom { include ::pixelated::dispatcher }' > files/puppet/modules/custom/manifests/init.pp

2.2 Installing Pixelated on the LEAP provider node

With Pixelated added to the configuration simply re-run the LEAP deployment.

leap deploy
leap test

When this completes Pixelated should be ready and available on port 8080 on your LEAP provider.

Bug Alert: Sometimes the dispatcher does not start automatically. If you get a "connection refused" when trying to access Pixelated, please start the dispatcher manually.

leap ssh node1       # log into LEAP node
/etc/init.d/pixelated-dispatcher-proxy start

3 Troubleshooting

The dispatcher uses Docker to run the user agents for the individual users, i.e. the user agent is not directly visible in the process list because it runs inside a docker container. To view the currently running instances log into the Pixelated provider, using leap ssh node1 for example, and use the Docker commandline

root@node1:~# docker ps
CONTAINER ID        IMAGE                                   COMMAND                CREATED             STATUS              PORTS                      NAMES
070171caaa1d        pixelated/pixelated-user-agent:latest   "/bin/bash -l -c '/u   4 hours ago         Up 3 hours>4567/tcp   erik

In the last column you can see the user name. It is possible to access the log files for this instance as follows:

docker logs <username>

Have fun!