
Dockerized OroCommerce Application

Primary LanguageDockerfile

OroCommerce CE Docker image.

The simple Docker image to start use OroCommerce.


  • A small Docker image (250-300 Mb) that based on php:7.2-fpm-alpine.
  • Allows to enable/disable cron, websocket and consumers count.
  • Easy to use - single container for web, cron, websocket and consumers.
  • Assets are already pre-installed in the docker image.

Quick Start


The docker image is based on php:7.2-fpm-alpine with installed supervisor and nginx. No additional containers for consumers, websocket etc. You can select count of consumers, disable/enable websocket. Platform update/install and init a cache will occur when creating the container. To update OroCommerce application you need only pull a new version and run container again.

Pull from docker hub

docker pull okvpn/orocommerce:3.1

List of all tags you can found here.

Please note that the first installation may take a long time 10-20 min. To check the application logs and current status, please use the command docker logs [container_name]

docker logs orocommerce --follow

Additional Information

Docker composer example.

version: '2'

        hostname: postgres
        container_name: postgres_orocommerce
        image: postgres:9.6
            - .docker/db:/var/lib/postgresql/data
            POSTGRES_DB: orocommerce
            POSTGRES_PASSWORD: 123456
            - "5432"

        image: okvpn/orocommerce:4.1
        container_name: orocommerce
        hostname: orocommerce
            - .docker/attachment:/var/www/orocommerce/var/attachment
            - .docker/media:/var/www/orocommerce/public/media
            - .docker/uploads:/var/www/orocommerce/public/uploads
            # installation options
            APPLICATION_URL: https://orocommerce.companyname.org
            ADMIN_USER: admin
            ADMIN_PASSWORD: admin
            ADMIN_EMAIL: admin@example.com
            ADMIN_FIRST_NAME: Alieś
            ADMIN_LAST_NAME: Zagorski
            ORO_DATABASE_DRIVER: pdo_pgsql
            ORO_DATABASE_HOST: postgres
            ORO_DATABASE_PORT: 5432
            ORO_DATABASE_USER: postgres
            ORO_DATABASE_NAME: orocommerce
            ORO_DATABASE_PASSWORD: 123456

Enable websocket

To enable websocket, please use environment variable ORO_WEBSOCKET=true. By default websocket is disabled.

Disable crontab

Cron is enabled by default. Use ORO_CRON=false to disable cron.

Disable background jobs (consumers)

Background jobs is enabled by default. You can use env ORO_CONSUMER_COUNT=0.

Environment variables

Installation options

To install application need to create admin user, so you will be able to login to the backoffice. To create an admin account you need to use environment variables to pass in an initial username and password

  • ADMIN_USER - Admin username

  • ADMIN_PASSWORD - Admin password

  • ADMIN_EMAIL - Admin email

  • ADMIN_FIRST_NAME - First name

  • ADMIN_LAST_NAME - Last name

  • APPLICATION_URL - Application url

  • ORGANIZATION_NAME - Main organization name

parameters.yml options

  • ORO_DATABASE_DRIVER - (pdo_pgsql, pdo_mysql)

  • ORO_DATABASE_HOST - Database host

  • ORO_DATABASE_PORT - Database port

  • ORO_DATABASE_USER - Database user

  • ORO_DATABASE_NAME - Database name

  • ORO_DATABASE_PASSWORD - Database password

Other env options, see here

Additional configuration

  • ORO_CRON - Enable cron ORO_CRON=false

  • ORO_WEBSOCKET - Enable websocket ORO_WEBSOCKET=true


  • SKIP_ASSETS - Skip install and build assets, default true. Assets are already pre-installed in the docker image.

Build image from source

docker build 3.1/ --tag='okvpn/orocommerce:3.1' --build-arg ORO_PLATFORM=3.1.15