
An example of simple application using Oro Platform.

Primary LanguagePHP

A simple Bug Tracking System based on Oro Platform.

Branches Builds
master The Build Status


Oro Platform is a Symfony 2 based application with the following requirements:

  • PHP 5.5.9 or above with command line interface
  • PHP Extensions
    • GD
    • Intl
    • Soap
    • Mcrypt
    • JSON
    • ctype
    • Tokenizer
    • SimpleXML
    • PCRE
    • ICU
  • MySQL 5.1 or above
  • PostgreSQL 9.1 or above

Installation instructions

Using Composer

As both Symfony 2 and Oro Platform use Composer to manage their dependencies, this is the recommended way to install the Oro Platform.

If you don't have Composer yet, download it and follow the instructions on http://getcomposer.org/ or just run the following command:

    curl -s https://getcomposer.org/installer | php
  • Install OroCRM dependencies with composer. If installation process seems too slow you can use "--prefer-dist" option. Go to crm-application folder and run composer installation:
php composer install --prefer-dist --no-dev
  • Create the database with the name specified on previous step (default name is "bap_standard").

  • Install application and admin user with Installation Wizard by opening install.php in the browser or from CLI:

php app/console oro:install --env prod
  • Enable WebSockets messaging
php app/console clank:server --env prod
  • Configure crontab or scheduled tasks execution to run the command below every minute:
php app/console oro:cron --env prod

Note: app/console is a path from project root folder. Please make sure you are using full path for crontab configuration or if you running console command from other location.

Installation notes

Installed PHP Accelerators must be compatible with Symfony and Doctrine (support DOCBLOCKs)

Note that the port used in Websocket must be open in firewall for outgoing/incoming connections

Using MySQL 5.6 on HDD is potentially risky because of performance issues

Recommended configuration for this case:

innodb_file_per_table = 0

And ensure that timeout has default value

wait_timeout = 28800

See Optimizing InnoDB Disk I/O for more

The default MySQL character set utf8 uses a maximum of three bytes per character and contains only BMP characters. The utf8mb4 character set uses a maximum of four bytes per character and supports supplemental characters (e.g. emojis). It is recommended to use utf8mb4 character set in your app/config.yml:

                driver:       "%database_driver%"
                host:         "%database_host%"
                port:         "%database_port%"
                dbname:       "%database_name%"
                user:         "%database_user%"
                password:     "%database_password%"
                charset:      utf8mb4
                    charset: utf8mb4
                    collate: utf8mb4_unicode_ci
                    row_format: dynamic

Using utf8mb4 might have side effects. MySQL indexes have a default limit of 767 bytes, so any indexed fields with varchar(255) will fail when inserted, because utf8mb4 can have 4 bytes per character (255 * 4 = 1020 bytes), thus the longest data can be 191 (191 * 4 = 764 < 767). To be able to use any 4 byte charset all indexed varchars should be at most varchar(191). To overcome the index size issue the server can be configured to have large index size by enabling sysvar_innodb_large_prefix. However, innodb_large_prefix requires some additional settings to work:

  • innodb_default_row_format=DYNAMIC (you may also enable it per connection as in the config above)
  • innodb_file_format=Barracuda
  • innodb_file_per_table=1 (see above performance issues with this setting)

More details about this issue can be read here

PostgreSQL installation notes

You need to load uuid-ossp extension for proper doctrine's guid type handling. Log into database and run sql query:


Web Server Configuration

The Oro Platform application is based on the Symfony standard application so web server configuration recommendations are the same.