
Applying backdoor attacks to BadNet on MNIST and ResNet on CIFAR10.

Primary LanguageJupyter NotebookMIT LicenseMIT


A personal repository for applying backdoor attack to:

  • BadNet on MNIST
  • ResNet on CIFAR10

I borrowed some code from verazuo/badnets-pytorch and some models from KaidiXu/auto_LiRPA. I made some modification for training trojan ResNet on CIFAR10. This repository is still under heavy development, totally dependent on what I personally need :).


$ git clone https://github.com/vtu81/backdoor_attack.git
$ cd backdoor_attack
$ pip install -r requirements.txt


Download Dataset


$ python data_downloader.py

to download MNIST and CIFAR10 into ./dataset/.

Visualize Backdoor Attack and Triggers

Use notebooks

  • attack_demo_mnist.ipynb
  • attack_demo_cifar10.ipynb

to visualize the triggered inputs like these:

You may change trigger marks and select appropriate trigger transparency through the APIs demonstrated in the notebooks. If you need further change the trigger planting logic, please read and alter data/poisoned_dataset.py.

Backdoor Attack BadNet on MNIST

By running the following command, the BadNet model on MNIST dataset and trigger label 0 will be automatically trained.

$ python main.py

You can also use the flag --no_train to load the model specified at --test_model_path=<MODEL.pth> only to test without training:

$ python main.py --no_train --test_model_path='./checkpoints/badnet-mnist.pth'

Furthermore, you can specify training (or testing, of course) with a special trigger mark at mark_dir of transparency alpha like:

$ python main.py --alpha=0.1 --mark_dir='./marks/apple_white.png'

More parameters are allowed to set, run python main.py -h to see detail.

$ python main.py -h
usage: main.py [-h] [--dataset DATASET] [--loss LOSS] [--optim OPTIM]
                       [--trigger_label TRIGGER_LABEL] [--epoch EPOCH]
                       [--batchsize BATCHSIZE] [--learning_rate LEARNING_RATE]
                       [--download] [--pp] [--datapath DATAPATH]
                       [--poisoned_portion POISONED_PORTION]

Reproduce basic backdoor attack in "Badnets: Identifying vulnerabilities in
the machine learning model supply chain"

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --dataset DATASET     Which dataset to use (mnist or cifar10, default:
  --loss LOSS           Which loss function to use (mse or cross, default:
  --optim OPTIM         Which optimizer to use (sgd or adam, default: sgd)
  --trigger_label TRIGGER_LABEL
                        The NO. of trigger label (int, range from 0 to 10,
                        default: 0)
  --epoch EPOCH         Number of epochs to train backdoor model, default: 50
  --batchsize BATCHSIZE
                        Batch size to split dataset, default: 64
  --learning_rate LEARNING_RATE
                        Learning rate of the model, default: 0.001
  --download            Do you want to download data (Boolean, default: False)
  --pp                  Do you want to print performance of every label in
                        every epoch (Boolean, default: False)
  --datapath DATAPATH   Place to save dataset (default: ./dataset/)
  --poisoned_portion POISONED_PORTION
                        posioning portion (float, range from 0 to 1, default:
  --mark_dir MARK_DIR   trigger mark path (default None, the trigger would be
                        a white square at the right bottom corner)
  --alpha ALPHA         transparency of the trigger, only available when
                        'mark_dir' is specified, default: 1.0
  --test_model_path TEST_MODEL_PATH
                        path to the model to be tested
                        only available when '--no_train' is activated)

You are free to train a BadNet on CIFAR10 with main.py, but I don't recommend you do so (since the performance is really bad). Please look into the next section for training a ResNet on CIFAR10.

Backdoor Attack ResNet on CIFAR10

Run the following command to train a ResNet on CIFAR10:

$ python train_resnet_cifar10.py

You need to manually alter configurations inside the train_resnet_cifar10.py file. Moreover, you can customly change the ResNet model by altering the code. (Some models are already provided in models/.)

If you are looking for the way to train a clean model, just set the poisoned_portion parameter to 0.


├── assets/        # images used in README.
├── checkpoints/   # save models.
├── data/          # store definitions and funtions to handle data.
├── dataset/       # save datasets.
├── logs/          # save run logs.
├── marks/         # save trigger marks.
├── models/        # store definitions and functions of models
├── utils/         # general tools.
├── attack_demo_cifar10.ipynb # demo of backdoor attack on CIFAR10
├── attack_demo_mnist.ipynb   # demo of backdoor attack on MNIST
├── data_downloader.py        # download dataset
├── deeplearning.py           # model training funtions
├── main.py                   # train BadNet on MNIST
├── README.md                 # this README
├── requirements.txt
└── train_resnet_cifar10.py   # train ResNet on CIFAR10


MIT © vtu