
Bash script for enabling/disabling wireless connection on linux based systems using rfkill. Ideal for binding to a keyboard shortcut.

Primary LanguageShell



Bash script for enabling/disabling wireless connection on linux based systems using rfkill. Ideal for binding to a keyboard shortcut.


rfkill and libnotify-bin

copy paste friendly command for Debian based distros:

sudo apt install rfkill libnotify-bin

copy paste friendly command for Arch based distros:

sudo pacman -S rfkill libnotify-bin

Before binding it to a keyboard shortcut you should make script executable:

sudo chmod +x wifi-switch.sh

Bind it to keyboard shortcut using xbindkeys:

1. Install xbindkeys:

  • In debian based distributions run:
sudo apt install xbindkeys
  • In arch based distributions run:
sudo pacman -S xbindkeys

2. Generate xbindkeys config file:

xbindkeys -d > ~/.xbindkeysrc

3. Add shortcut and point it to bash script:

  • Start xbindkeys:
  • Open config file with your favourite editor:
vi ~/.xbindkeysrc
  • Add this to .xbindkeys if wifi-switch.sh is in your home directory:

or any other key combination. If wifi-switch.sh is not in your home directory point it to it with an absolute path to script.

  • Reload the config file:
killall -s1 xbindkeys


xbindkeys --poll-rc

Further read on configuring xbindkeys:


Bind to it to keyboard shortcut in GNOME with GUI:

Go to Settings and navigate to Keyboard/Keyboard Shortcuts. Scroll down until you see + and click on it. A small window with title Add Custom Shortcut will open with 3 fileds to set. Set Name to whatever you want. Under command enter a absolute/path/to/script (if wifi-switch.sh is in your home directory it should look like this /home/YourUsername/wifi-switch.sh). Next click on set shortcut and enter your key combination.