
Place to track your wine collection.

Primary LanguageJavaScript



I've added the dotenv package

To get the DB working on your machine, create a file called ".env" in the root directory.

Inside it, put in your local DB credentials like so:



  • Decrement wine inventory
  • Wine Details Page


Here is a list of to do items I thought of. I might make a site-map that shows all the interconnections.

To-Do (some are for sure optional):

Add pathing to dropdown menu;

Link notes body to notes div and make them show up when focused on each wine;

Add functionality to buttons in listed wines;

  -Edit details

Change ageability to ageability-index on page;

Add expiry date to form and wine list;

Make pages and routes || present the entirety of the data on each wine to the notes Div, rather than creating and linking to another page for each wine;

Add sort-by function to wines list and/or a search bar;

Delete routes used for testing, i.e. all-notes, all-wines, all-users, or add link to them and require admin password;

Add about us page with links to our github, linked-in, short bio, w/e;

Get server up and running at my house and make sure it works with app;

Draft final copy of README.md

Design presentation;

Site content & copy

Display "Your Collection" accurately with details