
A modern Vue.js multiple pages cli which uses Vue 2, Webpack3, and Element UI (Vue2、ElementUI多页应用脚手架)

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT


A modern Vue.js multiple pages cli which uses Vue 2, Webpack3, and Element-UI


  1. Vue2
  2. Webpack3
  3. ElementUI
  4. Eslint(eslint-config-vue default)
  5. Postcss(autoprefixer default)
  6. Less
  7. Sass

Get Started

Init Project

$ npm install -g vue-cli
$ vue init Plortinus/vue-multiple-pages new-project
$ cd new-project
$ npm install


# serve with hot reload at localhost:8010
$ npm run dev

visit http://localhost:8010/user/login.html

visit http://localhost:8010/user/index.html

visit http://localhost:8010/customer/index.html


$ npm run build
$ node server.js #listen 2333 port

visit http://localhost:2333/user/login.html

visit http://localhost:2333/user/index.html

visit http://localhost:2333/customer/index.html

Root Folder Structure

├── src  # main folder
│   ├── assets  # common assets folder
│   │   ├── img
│   │   │   └── logo.png
│   │   ├── js
│   │   └── css
│   ├── components # common components folder
│   │   └── modal.vue
│   └── pages  # pages
│       ├── user  # user part (folder name can be customized)
│       │   ├── login # login.html (folder name can be customized)
│       │   │   ├── app.js   # entry js (file name can't be customized unless you change the webpack.config.js)
│       │   │   ├── app.vue  # login vue (file name can be customized)
│       │   │   └── app.html # template html (file name can't be customized unless you change the webpack.config.js)
│       │   └── index # index.html
│       │       ├── app.js
│       │       ├── app.html
│       │       └── app.vue
│       └── customer # customer part (folder name can be customized)
│           └── home # home.html
│               ├── app.html
│               ├── app.js
│               └── app.vue
├── .babelrc          # babel config (es2015 default)
├── .eslintrc.js      # eslint config (eslint-config-vue default)
├── server.js         # port 2333
├── package.json
├── postcss.config.js # postcss (autoprefixer default)
├── webpack.config.js
└── README.md

Dist Folder Structure

├── assets
│   ├── css
│   │   ├── customer
│   │   │   ├── home.css
│   │   │   └── home.css.map
│   │   ├── user
│   │   │   ├── index.css
│   │   │   ├── index.css.map
│   │   │   ├── login.css
│   │   │   └── login.css.map
│   │   ├── vendors.css
│   │   └── vendors.css.map
│   └── js
│       ├── customer
│       │   └── home.js
│       ├── user
│       │   ├── index.js
│       │   └── login.js
│       └── vendors.js
├── b02bdc1b846fd65473922f5f62832108.ttf
├── customer
│   └── home.html
├── logo.png
└── user
    ├── index.html
    └── login.html

How The Multiple Page Works ?(Assumed that you have the basic knowlege of webpack)

  1. Firstly, we need to get the entries and chunks

    • The constant entries is an Object type, it's prop is the chunk and it's value is the relative path of the entry js file
    • The constant chunks is an Array type for the CommonsChunkPlugin

    This step needs a package called: glob

    const entries = {}
    const chunks = []
    glob.sync('./src/pages/**/app.js').forEach(path => {
      // Get all the entry js files and forEach them
      const chunk = path.split('./src/pages/')[1].split('/app.js')[0]
      // E.g, chunk = 'user/index' path = './src/pages/user/index/app.js'
      entries[chunk] = path
      // Now we got the entries
      // Then, we collect the chunks for CommonsChunkPlugin
    // ...
    const config = {
      entry: entries, // The constant entries is used here
      plugins: [
        new CommonsChunkPlugin({
          name: 'vendors',
          filename: 'assets/js/vendors.js',
          chunks: chunks, // The constant chunks is used here
          minChunks: chunks.length
        // ...
  2. Then,combine the html template file with the right chunk

The second step,we use the webpack plugin: html-webpack-plugin

// ...
const config = {
  // ...
// ...
glob.sync('./src/pages/**/app.html').forEach(path => {
  // Get all the html template files and forEach them
  // E.g, path = './src/pages/user/index/app.html'

  const chunk = path.split('./src/pages/')[1].split('/app.html')[0]
  // E,g. the chunk will be 'user/login'

  const filename = chunk + '.html'
  // E.g, the html filename will be 'user/index.html' in the 'dist' folder

  const htmlConf = {
    filename: filename,
    template: path,
    inject: 'body',
    favicon: './src/assets/img/logo.png',
    hash: process.env.NODE_ENV === 'production',
    chunks: ['vendors', chunk]
  config.plugins.push(new HtmlWebpackPlugin(htmlConf))

Inspired by element-starter
