
VueFront Documentation

Primary LanguageVue

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Vue Powered CMS agnostic SPA & PWA frontend for your old-fashioned Blog and E-commerce site.
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Vue, VueFront, SPA, PWA, Nuxt, agnostic, frontend, framework
Get Started →
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Use it today
Compatible with Wordpress, Woocommerce, Opencart, Prestashop, Magento, Shopify, Drupal, Joomla, and more.
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Build for the future
Single Page application (SPA) and Progressive Web App (PWA) out of the box.
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Just works
We took the liberty of making a complete solution from creating the back-end GraphQL module to building the front-end web app.
MIT Licensed | Copyright © 2018-present Dreamvention

VueFront Demos

1. Wordpress + WooCommerce demo

2. OpenCart + Blog Module demo

3. Magento + Blog Megafan demo

4. PrestaShop + PrestaBlog demo

Installing is as easy as 1, 2, 3

  1. Download and Install VueFront CMS Connect App on your site (OpenCart, Worpdress/WooCommerce) the app will provide you with a CMS Connect URL.
  2. In command line install VueFront Web App. (requires node.js >= 8 and yarn or npm)
# Create VueFront app. replace <project-name> with vuefront
yarn create vuefront-app <project-name>
# OR npx create-vuefront-app <project-name>

yarn dev
# OR npm run dev
  • When prompt during the setup step, paste the CMS Connect URL provided by CMS Connect App.
# during the setup you will be asked to paste the CMS Connect URL:
? Paste the CMS Connect URL, provided by your CMS Connect App ()

Enjoy your new VueFront!