
The list of companies who use Vue.js in Japan

Who use Vue.js in Japan?

The list of companies who use Vue.js in Japan


Name Website What we do with Vue.js
Example http://example.com E-commerce Site
GNEX ltd. https://globalnet-ex.com Push7 (SaaS web push service) Web Site and Document on Nuxt.js, CartEngine (E-Commerce support system) SPA Dashboard on Vue.
Minkore https://minkore.funa.in.net Migrating to Vue.js + Firebase SPA
Nagisa-inc https://nagisa-inc.jp Manga ZERO (SPA + SSR), UPTOON (SPA), Digital comic services.
B-eee Technology http://www.b-eee.com/ WebDB, CRM(SaaS, bigdata, realtime, dashboards and graphs), and workflows
FURYU https://www.furyu.jp PICTLINK SPA on Vue.
DMM.com Labo https://cmawards.dmm.com/ Posting and voting CM videos with serverless SPA.
CyberAgent https://adtech.cyberagent.io Many product are running with migrating to Vue.js
SCOUTER https://corp.scouter.co.jp SCOUTER (HR, Recruitment service) Web Site for all stakeholders
Repro https://repro.io Most of the UI of the application is built with Vue.js + Vuex!
TeamUp https://www.teamup.jp TeamUp (feedback system) is built with Vue.js and Vuex.
Umeebe Inc. https://umee.be/ TsuribaCamera (Community Service for Anglers) with Nuxt.js
Blabo Inc. https://bla.bo/ Co-Creation Platform
DeNA http://dena.com/ At DeNA, we use Vue.js for product development in various business such as automotive, life science and entertainment.
oRo https://www.oro.com Making various interactive websites / applications for each customer on demand.
Tokyo Otaku Mode Inc. https://corporate.otakumode.com/ Tokyo Otaku Mode is built with Vue.js and Vuex.
来栖川電算 https://www.kurusugawa.jp Built AnnoFab, a Web app for mass-producing quality annotations for machine learning. Also contributing to Vue eco-system specially vue-i18n.
M&T Technology Inc. https://www.m-t.com Customer and administrator backends currently in development, as well as all current and future software are made with Vue.js and/or Laravel.
SAKURA Internet Inc. https://www.sakura.ad.jp/ Building dashboards in our services such as sakura.io, Koukaryoku Computing and using for other various scenes.
Viibar inc. https://viibar.com/ Building Vync with Vue.js.
ALIS https://alis.to/ A completely new social media concept revealing and providing access to reliable, articles, news, and people
Safie https://safie.link/ Building corporate site, dashboards with Vue.js & Nuxt.js.
TechBowl https://techbowl.co.jp Our Service, "TechTrain" is built with Nuxt.js. "TechTrain" is a community and service for engineers and developers.
HiCustomer https://hicustomer.jp/ HiCustomer (Customer Success Management tool for SaaS) is built with Vue.js and Vuex.
Widsley https://widsley.com/ We build Sales oriented CRM and CTI using Vue.js and Nuxt.js on front and Laravel on backend. Our main product ComDesk

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