Pinned issues
- 0
Apply linting rules to composables as well
#2715 opened by Bart-Westenenk - 11
Since v10.0.0 cannot lint Vue with `export type`
#2702 opened by Shinigami92 - 1
the package in npm has wrong dts
#2714 opened by honghuangdc - 0
Detect props destructure rename in `vue/no-dupe-keys`
#2713 opened by ByScripts - 3
`vue/prefer-template` tries to apply to `style scoped`
#2712 opened by sky0matic - 3
- 1
Ambiguous documentation about eslint/vue3-recommended and eslint/vue-recommended plugins
#2708 opened by scoutme - 1
Error: Cannot find module 'vue-eslint-parser' after doing npm install from v10.0.0
#2706 opened by yamanoku - 8
Release automation
#2624 opened by ota-meshi - 1
Add suggestions to `vue/no-export-in-script-setup`
#2690 opened by chouchouji - 0
- 0
Configs types are not aligned with source code
#2699 opened by ntnyq - 0
- 0
- 2
vue/prop-name-casing - ignoreProps not released
#2691 opened by DonRedwoood - 1
`vue/no-bare-strings-in-template` allow numbers
#2695 opened by mrleblanc101 - 1
- 3
Rule proposal: `no-ref-emit`
#2601 opened by mattjcj - 0
Enforcing props destructuring
#2688 opened by Ericlm - 0
vue/max-props: Typescript union type prop definitions count same prop multiple times
#2676 opened by Radiergummi - 3
vue/no-bare-strings-in-template "allowlist" not always taken into account
#2681 opened by fabienmacko - 1
Interest: adding a `test:eslint-compat` script for upstream ESLint ecosystem tests?
#2678 opened by JoshuaKGoldberg - 1
- 4
vue/no-undef-properties in v9.30 still emits error for Vuex mutation or getter
#2600 opened by tmcdos - 2
- 2
- 2
Issue with multi line
#2667 opened by jap-camasit - 2
eslint rule `no-useless-assignment` doesn't work well.
#2660 opened by alphatr - 0
Rule Proposal: `vue/no-implicit-coercion`
#2638 opened by lozinsky - 0
- 2
- 4
`vue/block-lang` do not support enforcement of lang attritbutes for default langauges
#2606 opened by NVolcz - 0
Rule proposal: `vue/no-direct-ref-in-watch`
#2657 opened by Revadike - 2
`vue/no-undef-components` rule not working for specific component named 'Image'
#2654 opened by shiruten - 5
`vue/func-call-spacing` schema invalid
#2618 opened by FloEdelmann - 1
vue/order-in-components can support ts setup
#2644 opened by TerryChenUI - 3
- 2
- 8
The plugin does not function properly when `languageOptions.projectService` is enabled
#2634 opened by A-kirami - 2
- 0
Exclude some tags from vue/v-on-event-hyphenation and vue/attribute-hyphenation
#2605 opened by highfredo - 5
How does the flat configuration of eslint-plugin-vue only apply to vue files
#2603 opened by lvzhenbo - 3
- 1
No ref as operand in composable
#2615 opened by timothee-durand - 1
`MaybeRef`s should be used with `unref`
#2619 opened by jhoermann - 3
Parsing errors only when called from VSCode plugin
#2616 opened by Huupke - 2
vue/no-v-text-v-html-on-component on a g svg element
#2602 opened by JollyGood1 - 3
vue/html-quotes fix tool bug
#2604 opened by 759325100 - 0
Component must be imported with defineAsyncComponent
#2597 opened by dmitryuk - 1