- 1
type of useTemplateRef on generic components only contains exposed functions
#5120 opened by markbrockhoff - 4
vue-tsc v2.2.0 causes Vue errors
#5114 opened by UglyHobbitFeet - 0
Object literal may only specify known properties, and 'modelModifiers' error after upgrading to 2.2.0
#5119 opened by DamianMaslanka5 - 0
JS nullish coalescing and optional chaining operators break syntax highlighting on GitHub
#5118 opened by FeBe95 - 2
Syntax highlighting is absent in GitHub for .vue files with comment at top
#5026 opened by matthew-white - 2
v2.2.0 useSlots Type resolution failure
#5116 opened by SevenJoker - 3
- 0
- 2
[TypeScript] $attrs interface extension in ComponentCustomProperties stopped working after 2.2.0
#5111 opened by PiotrWasak - 1
vue/tsc-2.2.0 breaks emit parameters inference when using withDefaults with union props
#5112 opened by darkbasic - 4
- 1
vue-tsc cannot detect the components and responsive variables used by pug when use vite with vue-template
#5108 opened by Lfan-ke - 5
- 5
从2.1.10升级到2.2.0之后,每修改一行,vscode 代码中的 typescript 警告和错误提示都会闪烁一次 (Hybrid Mode)
#5098 opened by fullmooooon - 4
[Feature]In Neovim, it is possible to throw an error when a variable does not exist in a template.
#5103 opened by chaozwn - 0
- 2
Priority of imported component and self-reference on v2.2.0
#5097 opened by sxzz - 0
Can the Duplicate attribute.vue(2) warning be dismissed after installing the @vue/language-plugin-pug?
#5099 opened by ausir0726 - 1
JSDoc提示出现重复(Prompt for duplicate occurrence)
#5074 opened by Lazygui - 0
Vue Official 2.2.0版本, vue文件的style内部无法查看引用
#5094 opened by lgl2189 - 1
#5093 opened by panpanplan - 5
Vue-tsc Compilation Error for Simple TS File
#5091 opened by zhaoyuqiqi - 2
bug: parsed script tag's highlight isn't right
#5092 opened by tsukuha - 47
IntelliSense is painfully slow
#5063 opened by rigtigeEmil - 8
Slots type resolution is broken in 2.2.0
#5082 opened by daniluk4000 - 13
Hybrid Mode is disabled automatically because there is a potentially incompatible GitHub.copilot-chat TypeScript plugin installed.
#5044 opened by lvzhenbo - 6
2.2.0 vue-tsc component ref
#5085 opened by k983551019 - 1
The vue-tsc does not generate a vue.d.ts file.
#5081 opened by TianyuKang - 1
Directive modifier validation is wrong
#5080 opened by ludwig801 - 34
vue-tsc doesn't work with typescript 5.7.2
#5018 opened by devhaozi - 3
Component events auto-completion doesn't work
#5072 opened by makedopamine - 3
Template ref type inference doesn't work when using defineComponent (but does work in <script setup>)
#5073 opened by catrope - 2
- 3
Circular component import breaks types
#5059 opened by gu-stav - 4
- 1
- 9
#5035 opened by ashuicoder - 1
- 0
- 7
nullable v-model
#5036 opened by valh1996 - 0
- 1
- 0
`</template>` completion missing `/`
#5015 opened by L33Z22L11 - 3
`defineEmits<{()}>()` causes the vue server to crash
#5027 opened by wrong-g - 1
Vue extension shows incorrect red color syntax highlighting on nested curly brackets of a plain text file
#5029 opened by fireattack - 3
Referencing `useTemplateRef` value inside `computed` and using `computed` in template results in TS error
#5022 opened by mdoesburg - 1
Vue-ts fails in pipelines and fresh modules install with error: Search string not found: "/supportedTSExtensions = .*(?=;)/"
#5025 opened by jaxenvisuals - 1
Vue3 js project custom components, It is recommended to add emit event intellisits when using components.
#5024 opened by SevenJoker - 5
插件 2.1.10 在 vscode 1.95.3 中无法使用
#5023 opened by WangJincheng4869 - 0