- 0
Vue 3.3. Provide fs option for @vue/compiler-sfc 3.3.0+ compileScript function
#2041 opened by tragid - 0
Remove `webpack` from runtime dependencies
#2090 opened by axetroy - 1
Update documentation for sass indented syntax
#2086 opened by lorefnon - 0
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@rollup/plugin-typescript TS7006: Parameter 'err' implicitly has an 'any' type.
#2087 opened by renningg - 0
#2034 opened by Losstie - 2
Build fails if ../.config/postcssrc is not readable
#2044 opened by phil294 - 1
#2085 opened by jiaozhiye - 3
comments not removed
#2076 opened by Coding-Kiwi - 0
vue-template-compiler referenced in the doc
#2084 opened by vidal7 - 0
Could not compile Flowtype syntax
#2081 opened by BrevAlessioMk - 1
const/let converto var
#2070 opened by zacard-orc - 0
使用 module federation 时 如果 __file 路径相同 会引起热更混乱
#2077 opened by ckken - 0
- 1
Custom blocks when using vite
#2072 opened by patforg - 0
- 0
about defineAsyncComponent function in Vue3, the path always wrong after webpack compiled
#2073 opened by SprayHank - 0
Importing plain component file from separate monorepo package results in wrong build
#2069 opened by dbssman - 0
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Scoped styles are not applied when loading Vue component via SystemJS
#2067 opened by francisco-alonso - 1
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vue2 Upgrade vue3 vue-loader browser error message: Uncaught TypeError: Object(...) is not a function
#2064 opened by SKandAV - 2
v17.3 breaks v-bind
#2061 opened by morganarnel - 2
Can't import interface / type and use them with defineProps "failed to resolve import source"
#2048 opened by Y0me - 2
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#2057 opened by danielmlc - 3
#2056 opened by wuhaoxiangfau - 1
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vue cli3 在打包到时候会把项目中没有使用的图片文件打包输出到dist目录。
#2055 opened by bertms - 1
webpack5.0+vue2.0 使用vue-loader 15.10.0 打包 vue 文件---想兼容es5
#2052 opened by triger0376 - 0
#2051 opened by ShiJingCun-Xzp - 0
Hash generated(for HMR) from relative path name is not unique in a microfrontend architecture
#2050 opened by svihpinc - 4
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vue-loader v15版本打包时在::v-deep { ... } 中写多行注释时webpack5编译时会报 Module build failed (from . /node modules/@vue/vue-loader-v15/lib/loaders/stylePostLoader.js):; TypeError: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'spaces") at /users/xxx/xxx/example.scss:15:1错误
#2043 opened by JacksonGao188 - 1
Bug Report: Issue with Webpack, Vue 3, and JSX
#2042 opened by max-preuschen - 2
[Question] Any loader hook provided before compile?
#2039 opened by kenken17 - 1
Getting this error: At least one <template> or <script> is required in a single file component.
#2036 opened by pochern - 1
[Error] cannot find vue/compiler-sfc when using yarn workspace and lerna to install node_modules.
#2031 opened by radiorz - 0
不依赖 resourceQuery 生成 module id 导致代码 hot-loader 出现问题
#2037 opened by xiaoshuangLi - 0
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exportComponent not found
#2032 opened by CKHuang - 0
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Vulerabilities Reproted for vue-loader version 15.10.x latest version , as Vue 2 is not compatible with 16.x.x series , can this be fixed
#2026 opened by mahendrushivam - 1
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<script setup lang="ts"> sourcemap does not display the sfc source correctly
#2023 opened by 1593292349