
using $watchAsObservable, and using throw new Error() watch not work

reaink opened this issue · 1 comments

using $watchAsObservable, and using throw new Error() watch not work, the watch will become invalid. Even if catchError is used, it will no longer watch. Is there a way to wake up this watch?

使用$watchAsObservable后,再使用throw new Error()抛出错误后,watch 就会失效,即使有使用catchError 它也将不再进行watch ,请问有没有办法继续执行这个watch,不去理那个error ,我自己在catchError 中弹出错误提示

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regou commented

Hello @nshusr
It seems you want continuation on error, you need catchError and emit an EMPTY Observable in catchError callback
See this answer