Pinned issues
- 12
Vue Composition API and vue-rx
#120 opened by ebeloded - 2
- 3
How to init vuerx to vue3
#148 opened by ElBidouilleur - 0
How to solve vue-rx incompatiblity with Vue3
#152 opened by kormosp - 4
- 0
Remove Vue installation from the readme
#151 opened by tomaszs - 0
Publish v6.3.0 in npm
#147 opened by QimatLuo - 2
Cannot resolve dependency in newer npm version
#146 opened by QimatLuo - 2
Update to Rx.js 7 and adding Typescript?
#141 opened - 5
$fromDOMEvent can't listening root self scroll event
#87 opened by RyderJKL - 1
Why have a $subscribeTo ?
#126 opened by kevupton - 1
Subscriptions called before rxjs is loaded
#93 opened by EvanBurbidge - 1
Is there any support for Vue 3?
#132 opened by Usouf - 1
- 0
Compatibility with mostjs (#observe vs #subscribe)
#62 opened by dodas - 7
Typescript types are incompletes
#88 opened by AntoineEsteve - 2
How to use vue-rx with vue 3.x ?
#129 opened by Bittttter - 0
Typings error for $observables
#127 opened by MohitTilwani15 - 4
Created hook called multiple times
#121 opened by okonomiyaki3000 - 1
- 2
How do we use this library with vue3 alpha 8?
#122 opened by roboticscm - 10
Usage with Class based component
#71 opened by psyCodelist - 0
$fromDOMEvent 问题
#114 opened by zjjaxx - 1
vue renderes before observable
#113 opened by gotenxds - 2
Can't use `subscriptions` as an object.
#110 opened by Morgul - 2
vue-rx using with jest TS2339
#91 opened by printjs - 3
- 2
- 2
- 0
Vue-Rx prevents passing props as initial value to data
#105 opened by 19r3ka - 3 is not a function.
#103 opened by kepoddx - 3
Wiki Search Example will not cancel
#101 opened by deanrad - 1
Subscribing to property of computed property
#100 opened by lwansbrough - 3
- 0
bug: 关于在路由懒加载及使用混合时,subscriptions被调用多次的bug。
#96 opened by cys85 - 1
- 1
Why is immediate false by default?
#92 opened by dietergeerts - 5
Typescript definition not exporting properly
#89 opened by keego - 5
RxJS "pipeable" operators support
#69 opened by paulpdaniels - 1
Can't use createObservableMethod with RxJS 6
#82 opened by zero298 - 0
I'd like to help you rework this a bit
#83 opened by benlesh - 2
- 2
- 0
Can we use props as observables?
#75 opened by dietergeerts - 5
Does not support feature Event Modifiers
#73 opened by pinghe - 2
throwing up error when i load bootstrap in vue
#72 opened by kayoderock - 1
- 0
Proposal: subscribeAsEmit helper method
#68 opened by paulpdaniels - 2
Observable with params.
#66 opened by ionutt - 1
Can a non-child components be a observable
#64 opened by akolnati