
Subscriptions called before rxjs is loaded

EvanBurbidge opened this issue · 1 comments

In my current project we're testing out this library, we've followed the docs, imported all of our RXJS operators theres 24 imports in total. However when we load the page we're getting the following errors

vue.common.js?49a5:1743 TypeError: _Observable.Observable.merge is not a function
    at VueComponent.subscriptions (groupEditor.vue?9997:831)
    at VueComponent.created (vue-rx.js?69c4:98)
    at callHook (vue.common.js?49a5:2923)
    at VueComponent.Vue._init (vue.common.js?49a5:4632)
    at new VueComponent (vue.common.js?49a5:4800)
    at createComponentInstanceForVnode (vue.common.js?49a5:4312)
    at init (vue.common.js?49a5:4133)
    at createComponent (vue.common.js?49a5:5610)
    at createElm (vue.common.js?49a5:5557)
    at VueComponent.patch [as __patch__] (vue.common.js?49a5:6093)

In addition to this we found out it was working using a page transition that provided us with a 350ms delay until the dom rendered and values were being queried. Would be nice if subscriptions didn't fire until RXJS was loaded.

If anyones been in the same boat would love to hear how you got around it as we do not want to just import all of rxjs at the top of our files.

regou commented

Can you provide a jsbin or requirebin to provide a minimum reproduce code?