
Sass compiler using go-libsass

Primary LanguageGo


Sass compiler using go-libsass


The Go compiler and a GCC-compatible C compiler (for CGO) are required. Assuming those are installed, vgsassc installation is as simple as:

go get github.com/vugu/vgsassc

If you get an error about a missing compiler, see next.


Download and install “Command Line Tools for Xcode”. In more recent MacOS versions you can run xcode-select --install


Refer to your distribution's documentation for how to install C development tools, but it's usually as simple as sudo apt install build-essential (Ubuntu/Debian/etc) or sudo yum groupinstall 'Development Tools' (RHEL/CentOS/etc)


This compiler has been known to work well: https://jmeubank.github.io/tdm-gcc/


Once you've been able to run the go get github.com/vugu/vgsassc command, it should put the vgsassc executable in your path. Running vgsassc --help gives:

Usage of vgsassc:
  -I string
    	Specify directory to use for resolving @import
  -m	Shorthand for -output-style=compressed and takes precedence
  -o string
    	Output file
  -output-style string
    	One of: nested, expanded, compact or compressed (default "nested")