
A simple API with the following functionality:

  • Add "food" to a freezer given a name, type and quantity. The foods are stored on a H2 database in memory.
  • Retrieve stored food using its ID or name
  • Update foods in the database

The following endpoints are available:

  • /food handles GET, PUT and POST requests to retrieve foods by ID, add a food into the database or update existing entries.
  • /food/search handles GET requests and retrieves foods by name
  • /all handles GET and returns all foods stored in the DB

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Built With

  • Spring

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Implementation & Improvements

The API is split in three layers: the API, Service, and Data Access layers. A memory-based H2 databse is implemented, of which the dashboard can be accessed via localhost:8080/h2 by default. Spring JPA is used to link the database to the API, allowing for the seamless conversion of JSON to object (in this case the "Food" object), object to JSON, and database transactions.

Key improvements may come in the form of further error handling, making sure requests are valid and throwing more appropriate/varied error messages. Unit test could also be added.


For the best experience, please use the following:

  • Java 17 or later
  • Spring 2.7.1 or later
  • Gradle 7.4.1 or later

Test Cases

You may find a collection of sample requests for Postman in the RequestsCollection.postman_collection.json file. Alternatively, the cURL requests are available in the curl requests.txt file.

By default, these requests target port 8080.

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