
A python script to convert clasp output to JSON for the asp-gv-js visualization script

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT


A python script to convert clasp output to JSON for the asp-gv javascript visualization script.


So that we can visualize ASP encodings of graph problems where the answer sets are sets of edges. See asp-gv visualization script.


Timestamps can be produced with tcat-monotonic. Just pipe it cat grounded_opt.asp | clasp | tcat-monotonic.


  • networkx

Use virtualenv to install the requirements. When inside the virtualenv, this can be done with pip install < requirements.txt.

If something doesn't work, see requirements.txt for the specific versions required.


  ./convert_outputs_to_json.py --edge-pred=<predicate> --clasp-out=<filename>
        [(--cost-pred=<predicate> --gringo-out=<filename>) --directed]
        --json-data=<filename> --json-time=<filename> --json-soln=<filename>
        [--not-opt --not-timestamped]

  -e <predicate> --edge-pred=<predicate>      Name of the chosen edge/2
  -c <filename> --clasp-out=<filename>        Name of the file where the
                                              timestamped clasp output has
                                              been saved.
  -o <predicate> --cost-pred=<predicate>      Name of the cost/3 predicate.
  -g <filename> --gringo-out=<filename>       Name of the file where the
                                              output of "gringo -t" has
                                              been saved.
  -i --directed                               Indicates that the graph is a
                                              directed graph. If not given,
                                              the graph is assumed to be
  -d <filename> --json-data=<filename>        Path where to save the JSON
                                              file containing the graph data.
  -t <filename> --json-time=<filename>        Path where to save the JSON
                                              file containing the timing
  -s <filename> --json-soln=<filename>        Path where to save the JSON
                                              file containing the solutions
                                              of each optimization step.
  --not-opt                                   Flag to indicate that clasp
                                              output is not from an
                                              optimization, but still in
                                              some "smart order" that can
                                              be visualized.
  --not-timestamped                           Flag to indicate that clasp
                                              output is not prepended with
                                              a timestamp. Time delta will
                                              be 4.0 seconds.


Converting simple clasp output, not optimizing, not timestamped and no gringo

Just the clasp output. Not optimizing, not timestamped. This will create an undirected complete graph for visualization, set timedeltas to 4.0sec, and optimum value of each solution to 1.

./convert_outputs_to_json.py -e cycle -c example-data/tsp0_50ans/clasp_notopt_notts_out -d data.json -t time.json -s soln.json --not-opt --not-timestamped

Converting clasp optimization output with timestamps, no gringo

This will create an undirected complete graph for visualization. Timedeltas will be fetched from the timestamps in clasp output.

./convert_outputs_to_json.py -e edge -c example-data/econ0_opt/clasp_timestamped_out -d data.json -t time.json -s soln.json

Converting clasp optimization output with timestamps and gringo text output

This will fetch the graph from gringo's textual output. Timedeltas will be fetched from the timestamps in clasp output.

./convert_outputs_to_json.py -e cycle -c example-data/tsp1_opt/clasp_timestamped_out -o cost -g example-data/tsp1_opt/gringo_text_out -i -d data.json -t time.json -s soln.json