
Visualization platform for Answer Set Programming

Primary LanguageC++


This is a desktop app for creating visualizations directly from answer set programming solvers. The development of interactive portions of Visingo is currently halted, but playback visualizations are available with the Visingo-Web project!

See https://github.com/vukk/visingo-web and http://users.ics.aalto.fi/kuuranne/visingo-web/.


Qt pods are used as git submodules. visingo-web is a git submodule also https://github.com/vukk/visingo-web.

Remember to run git submodule init and git submodule update to initialize the submodules when cloning this repository.

Ideas for continuing the project

  • Create a more lightweight approach, use a Lua script and WebSockets to expose clingo's API and connect to it from Visingo-Web.

Some notes

  • We obviously can't refer to all answer sets when visualizing interactively, only to previous ones. To expose the previous answer sets, we would require some sort of postprocessing program/script/pipeline. More importantly this postprocessing shouldn't disable user's ability to steer the solving process interactively.