
Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT


Visingo-web is an app for creating visualizations semi-directly from Answer Set Programming solvers.

The original purpose of the project was to act as an UI that allows interacting with a solver from the visualization and manually debug and guide the solver process. The interaction was never realized, but Visingo-web is capable of taking some ASP solver outputs and visualizing them.

As an example, you might have an ASP program that concerns itself with cycles in a graph. Let's say it contains a predicate cycle(A, B), then the by mapping the data to predicates that the visualizer is aware of, like node(Id) and edge(From, To) the visualizer can go ahead and show your graph. Such a mapping could work by node(A) :- cycle(A, _). node(B) :- cycle(_, B). and edge(A, B) :- cycle(A, B)..

Controlling some more specific aspects can be done too, like setting the colors of the nodes, let's say you know a "starting node" encoded as start(A)., then it could be highlighted by showing it in a different color with a rule like nodeAttr(A, color, "#ff00ff") :- start(A)..

Visualizing answer sets

See the "Getting started" section of the help.

Installing & development

Visingo-web is a client-side JavaScript application.

For first steps, see the docs of Create React App documentation. With prerequisites installed, run yarn start in the project folder.

Available Scripts

yarn start, yarn test, yarn run build

In development mode (yarn start) the app is available at http://localhost:3000 and is hot reloaded.

Production builds go to the build folder.


  • vukk - Initial Polymer version, porting to React - vukk

Built With


This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE file for details
