- 0
Missing files for fault injection test
#5 opened by avanitanna - 1
Probe Errors
#4 opened by xqrt - 1
BUG: static_analyzer crash
#3 opened by void0red - 2
when i execute the last step fuzz, i found it will go to find the template new_fake_{device_name}.txt or new_qemu_{device_name}.txt.but these files not exist in my project. where these files generated?
#2 opened by penny-zmd - 0
when i execute "python3 /path/to/PrIntFuzz/scripts/python/ --build_linux_fuzz", when code executes to "mount -o loop {image} ./share", it reports error. I found there is no stretch_without_module.img in specified directory
#1 opened by penny-zmd