PWA for headless e-commerce

High performant, intuitive and easy to develop progressive web app to connect with the api of your e-commerce systems API based on Nuxt.js.

GitHub package.json version GitHub contributors PWA Shields

✔ Integrated to Shopware 6 and possible with Magento, Magento 2, xt:Commerce, etc.
✔ Contains all common pagetypes like: Category, Product Detail, Cart, Checkout, Customer Account, ...)
✔ Excellent Google Lighthouse results in all audits
✔ Toolbox / Boilerplate to create your own frontend

Contribution Guide PWA

1: Create issue
Every change to the code and every pull request must be assigned to an issue. The issue ID created is required for the following steps.

2: Fork des hubble Repositorys auf eigenen Github Account erstellen.

3: Setup NuxtJs

npx create-nuxt-app <PROJECT-NAME>

4: Clone new fork

mkdir modules
cd modules
git clone<YOUR-ACCOUNT-NAME>/hubble-frontend-pwa.git

5: Register module to nuxtjs

// ~/package.json
"devDependencies": { 
    "@hubblecommerce/hubble": "file:modules/hubble-frontend-pwa/@hubblecommerce/hubble"
// ~/nuxt.config.js
buildModules: [

6: Install dependencies

npm install

7: Edit configs in .env file

# Define api type:
# possible source parameters are:
# api = hubble Api based on elastic search
# sw = official Shopware 6 API (headless Channel)
API_TYPE          = 'sw | api'
API_BASE_URL      = ''

8: Install dependencies and launch app in dev mode

npm install
npm run dev

9: Tracking the original repository as a remote fork
This is especially important to keep the fork up to date to the original repository (upstream).

git remote add --track master upstream
git fetch upstream

10: Create a new branch for the issue based on the upstream master branch

git checkout -b issue#<NUM> upstream/master

11: Push changes to the code to the fork repository (specify issue ID)

git add .
git commit -m "issue#<NUM> my detailed commit message"
git push -u origin issue#<NUM>

12: Pull Request
Visit Pull requests von hubble. You should se an automatic suggestion from Github to make a new pull request from the created branch issue#<NUM>.
Important! Specify dev as base branch and NOT master.

Release History

  • 1.3.0
    • Refactored app to improve performance
  • 1.2.0
    • Specified API to Shopware 6 store-api
  • 1.1.0
    • Extracted the hubble core to nuxt module
  • 1.0.0
    • The first proper release


digital.manufaktur GmbH –

Distributed under the MIT license. See LICENSE for more information.


Detailed instructions to do pull requests can be found here: hubble Contribution Guide