Bash Script Coding Challenge


Go to, and git fork the repo. Once you cloned the repo you need to create a Bash script that would do the following:

  • Go to the folder called unsanitized copy the images found on the said folder to the another folder called sanitized
  • Once copied to the sanitized folder, renamed the copied file by appending the word -sanitized to the filename. For example, the original fileaname is sample-24.jpg. Rename it to sample-24-sanitized.jpg
  • Assume the folder unsanitized contained 1 to x-number of images
  • Once done, append to the README file a step-by-step instruction on how execute the bash script that you wrote
  • Periodically, commit your changes to the repo. We want to see the progression of you coding in the git logs

How to submit

  • Provide us the link of the finished coding excercise by providing the url of the forked repo