
Install linux

Install wine and download Starcraft 2 Installer, then install the game with an optional wine prefix.

  > WINEPREFIX=/home/$USER/SC2/bnet wine ~/Downloads/StarCraft-II-Setup.exe

Install windows corefonts

  > WINEPREFIX=/home/$USER/SC2/bnet winetricks corefonts fontsmooth=rgb

Copy the maps into the game folder:

  > cp -r maps/* SC2/StarCraft\ II/maps/

Starting the game for AI client to connect to:

  > cd /home/$USER/SC2/SC2/StarCraft\ II/Support
  > WINEPREFIX=/home/$USER/SC2/bnet wine ../Versions/Base64469/SC2.exe -listen -port 8167 -displayMode 1 -windowwidth 1024 -windowheight 768 -windowx 100 -windowy 200