SG20 teaching graph generator

Small graph generator to visualize the SG20 teaching module dependency graph.


> git submodule init && git submodule update
> mkdir build && cd build
> cmake ..
> make

Example usage:

Step 1: generate graphviz dot graph

bin/graphgen --graph_yaml d1725.yaml

Step 2: convert graphviz dot file format of choice

dot -Tpng -o sg20_graph.png

Depending on the generated graph and its dependencies, different graphviz layouting algorithms are needed to make the generated drawing visually appealing. Try: dot, neato, twopi, circo, fdp, sfdp, patchwork, osage

Step 3: visualize

feh sg20_graph.png

Editing yaml files

A simple yaml file is the base for specifying modules, topics, and dependencies between them. To allow for easier creation and editing of these file, we provide a small yaml-editor. Create a new yaml file newFile with:

bin/yamlEditor --output newFile.yaml

or edit an existing file with:

bin/yamlEditor --graph_yaml inputFile.yaml --output newFile.yaml

Generating the HTML table for standard doc

bin/HTMLGenerator --graph_yaml d1725.yaml