
A container system for handling kafka event transformation in graphQL and displaying real-time results.

Primary LanguageTypeScript



This project starts a Kubernetes cluster with:

  • a multi-replica Kafka stateful set in kraft mode
  • a people app simulating people needing elevators rides on various floors within a building
  • a building app handling up/down elevator buttons being pressed
  • an Apollo graphql server with subscriptions to kafka topics
  • a NextJS dashboard that visualizes the real-time events
  • all resources running in a Minikube kubernetes cluster

Steps to start the cluster

  1. export DOCKER_USERNAME=<your docker username>
  2. minikube start
  3. docker build -t $DOCKER_USERNAME/kafql-kafka kafka
  4. docker build -t $DOCKER_USERNAME/kafql-graphql graphql
  5. docker build -t $DOCKER_USERNAME/kafql-building building
  6. docker build -t $DOCKER_USERNAME/kafql-people people
  7. docker build -t $DOCKER_USERNAME/kafql-dashboard dashboard
  8. docker push $DOCKER_USERNAME/kafql-kafka
  9. docker push $DOCKER_USERNAME/kafql-graphql
  10. docker push $DOCKER_USERNAME/kafql-building
  11. docker push $DOCKER_USERNAME/kafql-people
  12. docker push $DOCKER_USERNAME/kafql-dashboard
  13. sed -e "s|docker_username|$DOCKER_USERNAME|g" kafql.yml | kubectl apply -f -
  14. kubectl config set-context --current --namespace=kafql


If you just want to stop the pods, scale down the replicas:

TODO scale down producer/dashboard/graphql
kubectl scale statefulsets kafka --replicas=0

Note that scaling down a StatefulSet can only occur when all associated replicas are running and ready. See this section of the Kubernetes docs for more details.

Scale the replicas back up once you are ready to start again:

kubectl scale statefulsets kafka --replicas=3
TODO scale up /dashboard/graphql/people/building/elevator

Here are the steps to delete all components in the cluster and in your local Docker install:

docker rmi $DOCKER_USERNAME/kafql-kafka
docker rmi $DOCKER_USERNAME/kafql-graphql
docker rmi $DOCKER_USERNAME/kafql-building
docker rmi $DOCKER_USERNAME/kafql-people
docker rmi $DOCKER_USERNAME/kafql-dashboard
kubectl delete -f kubernetes/kafql.yml

Remove the elevator image if you created it:

docker rmi $DOCKER_USERNAME/kafql-elevator

Keep in mind that the Docker images will still be available in your remote Docker Hub repo.

Use the following commands to delete the shared storage on the Minikube node:

minikube ssh
sudo rm -rf /mnt/data

Create your own simulator app

This system is powered by simulators that listen to graphQL subscriptions and publish graphql mutations. GraphQL operations are connected to kafka topics. There are two required simulators: people and building (both are included). A third elevator simulator will be created by you, and this can be done in any language you like. The only requirements are that your simulator:

  • is containerized and included in the kubernetes configuration file (so that it runs in the cluster)
  • subscribes to the appropriate graphQL subscriptions. The app will receive events regarding elevator requests on specific floors, etc.
  • sends graphQL mutations to move the elevator(s) up/down

Below are commands to create a typescript-based node app that can be used as the basis for a new elevator simulator:

mkdir elevator && cd elevator
npm init -y
npm i ts-node typescript apollo-boost graphql-tag graphql
npx tsc --init