
[Showcase] Projects using Vulkano

Eliah-Lakhin opened this issue · 3 comments

We would love if you help is grow our community by adding your project into this list: You can open a PR to or just put a comment to this Issue, I will add it for you.

That will help us tracking of related projects regularly, and help you to keep your code base up to date with the recent changes in Vulkano. It also could encourage other users to start using Vulkano, and help our community grow.

In long term understanding Vulkano practical use cases would let as make a roadmap towards stable 1.0 version and long-term support.

Thanks in advance!

Rua commented

Oh, you added Ferret yourself, thank you so much! <3

crosvm, though it still will take time to integrate into Google provided reference VM images:

Xevion commented

Complete outsider and noob here - I feel like this project could really benefit from some visuals. I don't know what I am looking at really, and I also don't know what is possible. Improving the README with some images, examples etc. would probably make this project look a lot nicer and more approachable - even if it's in a heavily unstable 'alpha' state.

I came here from the Vulkano project's list.