AWS Cloudwatch Insights

version python versions build

Both a command line tool and a python API to simplify interacting with AWS cloudwatch insights



# globally
$ pipx install 'aws_cloudwatch_insights[cli]'
# or in a particular virtual env
$ pip install 'aws_cloudwatch_insights[cli]'


Run via the acwi command. Results returned in json.

It takes either a file of AWS Inisghts code or a yaml file with a query argument and other options.

For example, if file acwi.acwi contained this:

fields @timestamp, @message, @logStream, @log
| sort @timestamp desc
| limit 20

And you ran this:

$ acwi --group-names /aws/lambda/log_maker --region us-west-2 --start -30d tmp/acwi.acwi --out results.json

It would run the query against the stated log group in the stated region from 30 days ago.

Alternatively, if you had a file acwi.yml containing this:

query: |
 fields @timestamp, @message, @logStream, @log
 | sort @timestamp desc
 | limit 20
  - /aws/lambda/log_maker
region: us-west-2
start: -30d
out_file: results.json

And running this:

$ acwi acwi.yml

You would get the same result.

If an option is on both the command line of in the .yml file, the command line overrides the value in the file.

There is some fancy partial results returned as the query runs. You can shut these off using the --quiet option.


If you're only using the api, you don't need to install with the [cli] extras.

$ pip install aws_cloudwatch_insights



from aws_cloudwatch_insights import Insights
from datetime import timedelta

insights = Insights()
query = """
fields @timestamp, @message, @logStream, @log
| sort @timestamp desc
| limit 20

results = insights.get_insights(
    query, group_names=["/aws/lambda/log_maker"], result_limit=20,


From the inline documentation:

class Insights:
    def __init__(self, logs_client: Optional[BaseClient] = None):
        Object for querying AWS Cloudwatch.  Optionally takes a boto3 client as an argument, otherwise creates its own

    def get_insights(self, query: str, result_limit: int, group_names: List[str], start_time: Union[int, datetime, timedelta],
                     end_time: Union[int, datetime, timedelta, None] = None, callback: Optional[CallbackFunction] = None,
                     error: Optional[ErrorFunction] = None, jsonify: bool = True) -> Iterable[GenericDict]:
        Gets elements from AWS Cloudwatch Logs using an Insights query:

        Returns an iterable of dicts

        query: The Insights query
        result_limit: Limit of the number of results returned
        group_names: The log groups searched through
        start_time: The time of the earliest record the query looks for.  Can be an int timestamp, a datetime, or a
         timedelta.  If it's a timedelta, the start time is now offset by the delta
        end_time: The time of the latest record the query looks for.  Accepts same values as `start_time`
        callback: A function witch is called when partial results are returned, before the function returns the final
            results.  Takes the partial results as an argument.
        error: If included, this function is called when an exception is encountered (instead of not catching the
          exception).  The arguments passed to the function are the Exception instance and the partial results.  If
          this function doesn't through an exception, get_insights() returns the returned value of this function, empty
          list if that value is None
        jsonify: If set to True, attempts to parse suspected json objects.  If parsing fails, just returns the string.
          Default: True


Requires make:

# setting up dev environment
$ make develop

# run tests
$ make test
# ... or
$ pytest

# run tests for all environments
$ make test-all

No CI/CD or coverage yet

To Do

  • If someone tells me they actually use this, I'll bump it to v1.0.0
  • More extensive CLI unit tests
  • --csv output option
  • Integration tests


This package was created with cookiecutter and the audreyr/cookiecutter-pypackage project template.