
Control conditions under which Gutenberg loads - either from your theme code or from a UI

Primary LanguagePHP

Gutenberg Ramp


Gutenberg Ramp is a plugin that manages the state of Gutenberg in the post-edit context. It loads or unloads Gutenberg in post-edit according to criteria specified in theme code. It is agnostic about whether Gutenberg is loading from core or via the plugin.

How it Works

Gutenberg Ramp assumes one of the following states:

  • WordPress 4.9 and the Gutenberg plugin (either activated or not)
  • WordPress 5.0 and a fallback editor

Gutenberg Ramp makes a decision early in the WordPress load sequence (plugins_loaded) about whether to take action. It will take action if the following are true:

  • either the post edit or new post screens are going to load AND
  • according its user-supplied criteria either: Gutenberg should load for the current post and will not OR Gutenberg shouldn't load for the current post and will.

Loading criteria are supplied either in code (in a theme or plugin) or via UI. Gutenberg can be instructed to always or never load, or to load for just particular post_id or post_types.

Specifying Loading Criteria

Criteria are stored in an option and specified by calling a function any time after plugins_loaded, typically in theme code or on a hook such as init.

Loading behavior is controlled by the gutenberg_ramp_load_gutenberg() function. Calling this function without its single optional parameter causes Gutenberg to load on all post-edit screens. An optional associative array of criteria can be passed. The possible keys and values are:

  • load (Int): 0|1: never or always load Gutenberg
  • post_ids (Array of post_ids): loads Gutenberg for the specified post_ids
  • post_types (Array of post_types): loads Gutenberg for the specified post types.

Code Examples

Load Gutenberg for all posts:

if ( function_exists( 'gutenberg_ramp_load_gutenberg' ) ) {

Never load Gutenberg:

gutenberg_ramp_load_gutenberg( false );

// Alternatively, you can use the `load` key to always disable Gutenberg:
gutenberg_ramp_load_gutenberg( [ 'load' => 0 ] );

Load Gutenberg only for posts with ids 12, 13 and 122:

gutenberg_ramp_load_gutenberg( [ 'post_ids' => [ 12, 13, 122 ] ] );

Load Gutenberg for post_id: 12 and all posts of type test and scratch:

		'post_types' => [ 'test', 'scratch' ],
		'post_ids'   => [ 12 ],


Gutenberg Ramp adds a section to the Settings -> Writing menu that allows post_type control of Gutenberg loading. This can be used in place of specifying criteria in code.


Why is a post type disabled (greyed out) at Settings > Writing?

If you're seeing something greyed out, it means the gutenberg_ramp_load_gutenberg() function is already in your theme functions.php. If you want to use the wp-admin UI, remove the conflicting function from your functions.php file.

Why are some post types are not showing up on the settings screen?

Post types that are not compatible with Gutenberg will not show up. If you think you have found a false negative (posts in that post type DO work with Gutenberg, when Ramp plugin is deactivated) please report it as an issue on GitHub here.

Can I contribute to this plugin?

Absolutely! Please create issues and pull requests on GitHub here.