
A hitchhiker's guide to the Ethereum dAppiverse

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A hitchhiker's guide to the Ethereum dAppiverse


The Ethereum blockchain is home to innovations and some truly inspirational contributions to a distributed future. It is a vast, beautiful thing, and many people tend to start their Ethereum journey reading the whitepaper.

The whitepaper is amazing - it goes into the heart of Ethereum's implementation. It can also be overwhelming - a non-trivial number of people have probably closed the tab with the whitepaper and decided that Ethereum isn't for them.

I believe that dApps are a smoother way to onboard people into Ethereum: there's something magical about a real-world, demonstrable example of solutions powered by the Ethereum blockchain that turns on the lightbulbs in people's heads. Now, imagine if we could make a constantly-updating illustrated guide to the Ethereum dApp universe (dAppiverse)?

This GitHub will be organized into folders, with each folder dedicated to a specific dApp, with illustrations, animations and text (everything it takes to hit the nail on the profiling of the apps in the Ethereum universe). If you have an app you wish to get covered, you can create a GitHub issue.

Coming soon

  1. A discord channel
  2. A token system to incentivize creators to create content for the Ethereum dappiverse. First, we have to get this project off the ground.

I'm available to discuss with anyone about this on Twitter, via @thevunderkind.