
A simple python package to create latex exam in python

Primary LanguagePythonApache License 2.0Apache-2.0


A simple library for writing and printing exam in Python.

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pip install pytexexam

How to use

import pytexexam.latexexamutil as util
from pytexexam import LatexExamBuilder, ExamExportType

# Create exam builder
builder = LatexExamBuilder()
# You can add preamble here
builder.preamble = util.ams_math_package()
# Exam header
builder.header = "This is a simple header"
# Exam footer
builder.footer = "This is a simple footer"
# You can export exam in tex file or pdf file (need Latex installed)
builder.export_type = ExamExportType.PDF
# Add question
    question="This is a simple question",
    # Answers: This package auto add A, B, C, D ... in answers
    answer=["Answer 1", "Answer 2", "Answer 3", "Answer 4"],
    # True answer key
    # present answer in multiple column
    # Solution of this question
    solution="This is solution for this question",

# Creste exam, answer and solution!


If you want to see all the functions included in this library, you can find it here


If you use Pycharm, you can enable language injection to get Latex support inside Python script

  1. Install TeXiFy IDEA.
  2. Go to Settings -> Editor -> Language Injection and add new rule:
    • Language ID: Latex (.tex) sources files
    • Places patterns: + pyLiteralExpression()
  3. Enable it!. Now you get Latex syntax hightlighting inside python string! Yayyy!

(You can also add other pattern, using method in this file: https://github.com/JetBrains/intellij-community/blob/master/python/src/com/jetbrains/python/patterns/PythonPatterns.java)


Contribution are welcome. Create a pull request.

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Apache License, Version 2.0