
A template project for automate R code grading

Primary LanguageR


A simple project for auto grading R coding exam

Project structure

  • answer_files: Include all students' answer in R script file (.R)
  • example_data: Data for student to test theirs function.
  • full_data: All data in example_data and test_data
  • test_data: Data for grading students' answer
  • answer_template.R: R script template file for students
  • main.R: main script to grading student's answers.
  • test_answer.R Exam answer.
  • train_test_split.R: R script to split dataframe to multiple part (for example and test)

How to use

  1. Clone this repo. You can use RStudio to do this easily
  2. Add all your students' R script file in answer_files folder
  3. Add your test data (data for grading students' answer) to test_data folder
  4. You can add your example data (data for students' test their function) in example_data folder
  5. Edit test_answer.R script to get exam answer.
  6. Edit main.R file to grading students' answer and run it!

R packages used

install.packages(c("here", "writexl", "readxl", "gradeR", "stringr", "testthat", "SimilaR"))