I'm a web developer and interested in cryptography, encryption, web application vulnerabilities. I really love coding in Python and C.
TDTHanoi, Vietnam
vuonghv's Following
- 64jsonFlint
- antirezRedis Labs
- bf4Good
- brettcannon@microsoft
- BurntSushi@astral-sh
- chronoxor
- coding-horrorBerkeley, CA
- czeraszBerlin, Germany
- daneden@facebook
- dguidoTrail of Bits
- eliben@google
- flipperdevicesUnited States of America
- fuzyll
- gorhillCanada / Québec
- hiennvnzen8labs
- hieple7985Builder
- jeffwidmanGitHub
- junegunn
- jvns
- kennethreitz@cppalliance
- lewtdsGofore Oy
- longldVietnam
- miketracy3C consulting
- mimoo@zksecurity
- mitsuhikoSentry
- munificent@google, on @dart-lang
- nghnamHanoi, Vietnam
- redragonvn
- sergeynog
- skeetoMaryland
- sylvain101010New York, NY
- thaidn
- tqbfKetchup Salt
- unitoftime
- wongmjane@facebook
- YenNhi96