Raspberry 4 provisioning ap wifi using hostapd and dnsmasq

1. Introduction

  • The project is inspired of prj on link. I modified to support auto wifi captiveportal.
  • When power on RPI, if their is no wifi connection, the wifi AP will automatically run.( these ssid and password can be modified in hostapd.conf)
    • SSID : RPIWifiConfig
    • password : 1234567890
  • When connecting to AP the setup page will automatically show off (only test on iphone and Ipad). By using this page you can configure to connect to your own AP.

2. Requisition software

  • Libs and software packages

    sudo apt-get update
    sudo apt-get install -y python curl git  build-essential nano hostapd dnsmasq
  • NodeJS v12:

    # install nvm  and nodejs
    curl -o- https://raw.githubusercontent.com/nvm-sh/nvm/v0.35.2/install.sh | bash
    source ~/.bashrc
    nvm install v12
    # alias node and npm to  /usr/bin sothat thay can be found  and run in sudo mode
    sudo ln -s "$(which node)" /usr/bin/node
    sudo ln -s "$(which node)" /usr/lib/node
    sudo ln -s "$(which npm)"  /usr/bin/npm

3. Install WIFI AP and captiveportal

cd ProvisioningGateway
chmod +x  setup_ap_if_no_wifi.sh 
sudo ./setup_ap_if_no_wifi.sh 

This will setup 3 services:

  • dnsmasg.service:
    • DHCP server for wifi AP o wlan0
    • Fake DNS server which ressolve all the DNS queries from connected device of this AP to, where the nodejs web captiveportal listen on port
  • autohotspot.service :
    • Once shoot start when powerup : check if no wifi connection on wlan0 then start AP ( wifi Access Point) depend on hostapd application. If having connection, don't start AP mode.
  • captiveportal.service :
    • This is run nodejs express application as wificonfiguration to let user can config the SSID and password of wifi, they want to connect to.
    • This bind on all interface of RPI ( wlan0 and eth0) at port 80
    • Redirect all unhandle uri to root url "/"
    • Only support http ( https may support in future)