
Training stuff

•	Demonized containers : run in background
•	Interactive containers: 
•	Ctl +pq –for disconnecting to a running container without killing the docker.
•	Dhclient ---for getting ip when interphase was connected in host mode. 
•	https://github.com/amitvashist7/kubernetes-project/tree/master/setup training stuff
•	download https://storage.googleapis.com/minikube/releases/latest/minikube-windows-amd64.exe or minikube for Windows and install from command line….rename minikube.exe.
•	.\minikube.exe start --- will download the image on windows.
•	https://kubernetes.io/docs/tasks/tools/install-kubectl/#install-with-chocolatey-on-windows
Above link has Windows curl to download kubectl for windows. (curl -LO https://storage.googleapis.com/kubernetes-release/release/v1.10.3/bin/windows/amd64/kubectl.exe)

•	Vagrant init ---with vagrant file in current locatin.
•	Vagrant status
•	Vagrant ssh kuber-master
•	Echo ‘export $KUBECONFIG=/etc/kubernetes/admin.conf’ >> ~/.bash.rc
•	Kubectl create –f <file/dir>
•	Kubectl get pods –o wide
•	Kubectl describe pod <pod name>
•	Kubectl delete pod <pod>
•	Kubectl delete service <pod>
•	Kubectl get rc
•	Kubectl edit rc hellowordo-controller
•	Kubectl scale –replicas=1 rc helloworld-controller
•	Kubectl delete rc helloworld-controller
•	Git repo got to deployment
•	Kubectl create –f helloworld.yml
•	Kubectl get deployments
•	Kubectl get pods
•	Kubectl get pods –show-labels
•	Kubectl rollout status deployments/helloworld-deployments
•	Kubectl expose deployment hellowrodl-deployment –type=NodePort
•	Kubectl get services.
•	Kubectl describe service helloworld-deployment
•	Kubectl get deployment 
•	Kubectl set image deployment helloworld-deployment k8s-demo=amitvashist7/k8s-tiny-web:2
•	Kubectl rollout status deployment helloworld-deployment
•	Kubectl rollout undo deployment helloworld-deployment
•	Kubectl set image deployment helloworld-deployment k8s-demo=amitvashist7/k8s-tiny-web:1
•	Kubectl rollout history deployment helloworld-deployment deployments “helloworold-deployment”
•	Kubectl rollout history deployment helloworld-deployment –revision=1
•	Kubectl rollout undo deployment helloworld-deployment –to-revision=1
			Service :
•	Kubectl expose –nodeport/clusterip/load balance.
•	Ingress traffic will come in if we use load balance.
•	DNS name can be used using service discovery. 
•	Port range 30000-320767 –random port.
•	Kubectl create –f helloworld.yml
•	Kubectl create –f helloworld-nodeport-service.yml
•	Kubectl describe services helloworld-service
•	Kubectl expose pod helloworld
•	Kubectl expose pod helloworld –type=NodePort

o	Labe can be applied to pods/nodes (nodeSelector).
o	Kubectl get nodes –show-labels
o	Kubectl label node worker01 hardware=high
o	Kubectl label node worker02 hardware=low
o	Kubectl get nodes –show-labels
o	kubectl create –f hellowrod-nodeselector.yml
o	kubectl get deployments

		Health check
o	URL Health check
o	Command status check
o	Kubectl create –f helloworld-healthcheck.yml.
o	Kubectl logs <node>/<pod>
o	Kubectl get events
o	Username/passwd/keys/secret data etc.
o	Environment variable.
o	Stores in file
o	.env file to store secrets
o	Echo –n > “root” ./username.txt
o	Echo –n>”passwd” ./password.txt
o	Kubectl create secret generic db-user-pass –from-file=./username.txt –from-file=./password.txt
o	Echo –n “root”|base64 ---create hashes 
o	Kubectl create –f deployments/helloworld-secrets.yml
o	Kubectl get secrets
o	Kubectl create –f deployment/helloworld-secret-volume.yml
o	Kubectl exec –i –t <pod> /bin/sh
o	kubectl describe pod/wordpress-deployment-6f47769b85-xn5f8 -n default
o	kubectl creat -f wordpress-service.yml
o	 kubectl create -f wordpress-service.yml
o	 kubectl create -f wordpress-single-deployment-no-volumes.yml
o	 kubectl get pods
o	 kubectl exec -i -t wordpress-deployment-6f47769b85-xn5f8 /bin/sh
o	 kubectl get services
o	 kubectl get pods -o wide
o	 kubectl describe pods wordpress-deployment-6f47769b85-xn5f8
o	kubectl exec -i -t  wordpress-deployment-6f47769b85-xn5f8 sh -c wordpress --------------to login to Docker in a pod.
o	Kubectl run –i  --tty busybox --image=busybox –-restart=Never -- sh
o	Kubectl get pod –all-namespaces.
o	Kubectl exec database –i –t – mysql –u root –p <admin>
o	Alternate to load balance and node port.
o	Default is available we can customize or create new.
o	Nginex configuration 
o	Kubectl create –f ingress.yml
o	Kubectl get ingress
o	Kubectl create –f helloworld-v1.yml v2.yml
o	Kubectl create –f echoservice.yml
o	Persistence storage information for state full application.
	NFS Setup
o	ufw allow from to any port nfs
o	apt-get install nfs-kernel-server (nfs-common for client)
o	cat /etc/exports 
o	/exports        (rw,sync,no_subtree_check)
o	systemctl restart nfs-mountd
o	mount -t nfs kube-master:/exports /mnt
		Volume in K8s
o	kubectl get pv
o	kubectl create –f pv/busy box

             Container background : http://delivery.acm.org/10.1145/2900000/2898444/p10-burns.pdf?ip=
	Horizontal pod expansion
o	kubectl create –f hpe-example.yml
o	kubectl get hpa
o	kubectl run -i --tty load-genrater --image=busybox /bin/sh
o	kubectl get all
         K8s Master Services
	Quota : Namespace quota and cluster level quota.
Kubectl create namespace myname
Kubectl get namespace
kubectl get rs
kubectl get pods --v=7 ----let you know the API’s
kubectl get limits –namespace=myspace
kubectl get deployment -n myspace
kubectl get pods –namespace=myspace
kubectl describe deployment –n myspace
uht global------Training in 4 hours online training by amit.
RBAC: Access.
o	–authorization-mode=rbac
o	Kops and kubeadm uses rbac.
o	Kubectl to grant permission
o	Role is namespace
o	Cluster role: cluster admin
o	Rolebinding: single name space.
o	Role can like see pods secrets ,list,watch,
o	Assigned the role to user.
o	Rolebinding –
o	To spine up on all name spaces need to reader at cluster wide.
o	User creation :
o	sudo apt install openssl
o	openssl genrsa -out amit.pem 2048
o	openssl req -new -key amit.pem -out amit-csr.pem -subj "/CN=amit/O=myteam/"
o	openssl x509 -req -in amit-csr.pem -CA ca.crt -CAkey ca.key -CAcreateserial -out amit.crt -days 10000
o	```
o	## add new context
o	```
o	kubectl config set-credentials amit --client-certificate=amit.crt --client-key=amit.pem
o	kubectl config set-context amit --cluster=kubernetes.newtech.academy --user amit
o	```
o	Kubectl config get-contexts
o	Kubectl config use-context kubernetes-admin@kubernetes.
o	Kubectl config use-context amit
o	Kubectl create –f admin-user.yml
o	Kubectl delete –f admin-user.yml
o	Kubectl config use-context amit
o	Global configuration for group of applicaions.
o	NGINEX variables
o	Env
o	Command line arguments
o	Volume etc
o	Kubectl create configmap nginx-config –from-file=reverseproxy.conf.
o	Kubectl get configmap.
o	Kubectl describe configmap nginx-config