Urizen is the roguelike dungeon generation library written on Python3. It has various algorithms that can be used to generate maps on scale of single rooms to the whole world.
- Note: This project is on early stage of development.
- It can contain bugs, API breaking changes and lack of documentation.
- Two main collections - generators and visualizers - that can be used in any variations.
- Easy-to-use map objects with no need of additional libraries.
- Modular architecture that allows simple extension.
Here is some example maps that Urizen can generate:
Urizen can be installed with pip:
$ pip3 install --user urizen
Or manually. To do it, clone this repository:
$ git clone https://github.com/vurmux/urizen.git
$ cd urizen
$ virtualenv venv
And build it:
$ . venv/bin/activate
$ python3 setup.py install --user
Import this library:
import urizen as uz
Create a 50x50 size map using BSP algorithm:
M = uz.dungeon_bsp_tree(50, 50)
And visualize it using Pillow:
uz.vg_pillow_pixelated(M, scale=5)
The result image will be automatically opened with a default image viewer.