
Docker configuration for sass

Primary LanguageShell


Two ways to use this docker image from command line:

sass command help

docker run -d --rm sass -h

1- Working like sass -watch, will create two directories sass and css also will create a main file called style.scss if you haven't in your path. style.scss will be project's main file for scss:

docker run -d --name sass -e "ENV=watch" -v $(pwd):/app pablofelix/sass

if you are a mac user-> $PWD must begin in /Users/ directory

2- Using image as a sass command

docker run --rm -v $(pwd):$(pwd) -w $(pwd) pablofelix/sass <<whatever.scss>>

maybe you want to save the css file:

docker run --rm -v $(pwd):$(pwd) -w $(pwd) pablofelix/sass whatever.scss > whatever.css


docker run --rm -v $(pwd):$(pwd) -w $(pwd) pablofelix/sass whatever.scss whatever.css



version: '3.3' services: sass: image: pablofelix/sass environment: - ENV=watch volumes: - $PWD:/app/

running docker compose-yml in terminal => docker-compose -d up