a small and simple minecraft bot attacker.

Primary LanguageJava


a small and simple minecraft bot attacker coded with java.


  • [!] 6 Method for attack.
  • [!] Support HTTP proxy and DIRECT attack mode.
  • [!] Support Prefix And Suffix for bot names.
  • [!] Configurable version protocol for connecting.


  • IP: Inet Server IP.
  • Port: Server port.
  • Delay: Delay for runing threads.
  • Threads: Thread Count.
  • Loop: loop per thread
  • Protocol: minecraft version protocol number
  • NickSize: nick size. example: 3 = ABC
  • ProxyType: DIRECT or HTTP
  • ProxyFile: Proxy text file for HTTP connecting.
  • BotPrefix: Bot name Prefix
  • BotSuffix: Bot name Suffix
  • Method: All Methods: join, 2lsBypass, nAntiBot, SomeUUID, Ping, ERR0R, EmptyPacket, SilentAttack, Pz_Fucker
 "IP": "",
 "Port": 25565,
 "Delay": 1,
 "Threads": 75,
 "Loop": 5,
 "Protocol": 340,
 "NickSize": 7,
 "ProxyType": "DIRECT",
 "ProxyFile": "proxy.txt",
 "BotPrefix": "BOT_",
 "BotSuffix": "_lol",
 "Method": "join"

Depends for Building

  • Gson
  • Apache commons lang3


This tool is no longer developing. you can clone the code and edit it or debuging.

Discord - S4EeD_HD#6162