Python code to control Bristol fiber optic switch from a linux computer Shira Jackson 2019
Code to control the Bristol Fiber Optic Switch from linux This code is for a 4 channel switch but is easily modified for more channels.
The Bristol Fiber Optic Switch uses USB-DIO24/37 from Measurement Computing The pins used from the USB/DIO board are 35, 36, 37 corresponding to FIRSTPORTA
requires uldaq: Be sure to install the prerequisites! uldaq requires UL for Linux C API
The device connects as hidraw. Check the port and give permissions. example: sudo chmod 777 /dev/hidraw0 Without proper permissions, the code may raise a "Device not found" error.
Example usage:
fos = FOS() fos.change_channel(2) fos.change_channel(1) fos.close()