Auto update Vietnam stock price daily


After create my vndata package. I'm thinking of making data easy to access for everyone not only Python user. So I create this repo to automatically update trading data to google sheet so that user can easily access trading data for techincal analysis with another tool.


User can access daily price in 3 sperate google sheet. Each sheet contain data on one exchange. Data will be updated every day after 3pm with Github Action. Due to lots of companies on UPCOM exchange, I divide UPCOM into 2 sheet.

  1. HOSE
  2. HNX
  3. UPCOM - 1
  4. UPCOM - 2

User can also access to each individual company in 3 folder hose, hnx, upcom of this repository.


Currently, I'm calling to google.apps.sheets.v4.SpreadsheetsService.UpdateValues API to update value of entire sheet.


This make requests have high latency and time to finish updating all over 1600 companies up to 3 hours although using asynchronous.


In my calculation, with google sheet API limit 100 request/s, time can reduce to 1-1.5h to update all companies. This project is just finished and not yet optimize, in near future I will update my code.


After changing calling method, building time actually reduce.
